The dawn must come.

The dawn must come.

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Today, I am Grey.

From the boosting motivation of a happy euphoric optimism, to the paralysing detention of a sad frustrated resignation; that is how my emotions were, and still are, swinging like a disoriented mad pendulum in continuous search for its nesting destination, ever since day one.
One moment you’ll find me full of confidence that things will change and that the movement will overturn a rotten system that lasted too long, and in another moment doubts of the logic together with fears from the obvious would dismantle the entire new structure as my mind patiently builds daydreaming.
Now I can almost feel the sweet taste of freedom and democracy, yet soon after the bitterness of political interests compromising practices invades my veins.
Which is true: the defying “Yes We Can” or the surrendering “Nothing’s changed”?
I have no answer to that, because I feel as if my brain is emptied and has become void of thoughts. Maybe you can find an answer and tell me??!! If you have followed my posts from day one, then surely an idea you would have had by now.
Lucky you..
Pass On The Word.

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