The dawn must come.

The dawn must come.

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Singing out of tune and out of rhythm.

By: Ahmed ELNAHAS – Verona, April 27th 2013.
Ever since the 1952 coup a new unprecedented breed of politicians, I’d rather identify them as improvised public officials, has emerged from the abyss of the underground action and joint together the very little they knew to form a clan preaching the cult of Cultural Vandalism.. Such a clan have infringed – by means of unconstitutional laws, frequent counter-reformations of the Constitution, and/or unconstitutional behaviours and attitudes – the founding principles of the Constitutional Charter: Labour, Peace, Justice, Legality, Freedom of Information and Expression, Minorities Rights, Civil Rights, Human Rights, National Unity, but most of all the National Heritage and Public Properties.
The survivors and heirs of that clan are still among us.. Even though they have been resilient enough to cleverly change banners, they are still the same individuals who violated and overturned our Constitution for so long, in person or have helped and assisted in doing so.. And today here they are once again fit and ready to launch their offensive and lay their paws over the Government and the Constitution using their servile media to convince us that they, poor guys, are only surrendering to “the voice of the people calling them for the sacred duty to lead the way towards a better future”.
And that is only OUR mistake.. A mistake born to a combination of OUR bad choice and OUR lack of vision.. Because WE did not rationally grasped the momentum to drive the revolutionary thrust, instead WE allowed the wrong figures with their wrong ideas, inapt for the challenging and demanding requisites of that critical historic moment of our nation; to take over both power and responsibility.. WE were not even capable of recognising the difference separating “Authoritative” from “Authoritarian”, so as to rationally screen, select, decide and adopt the Good Father.
I fear that once we discover that the ‘New Governing Bodies’ motivations for rule (grudge and vengeance) not only are against the best interests of Egypt; but are the very same as those of that clan of vandals who is sneaking their way up towards a glorious and victorious come-back, in order to resume what their fathers and teachers have started, and that is:
“…to infringe – by means of many tailor made even personalised unconstitutional laws, frequent counter-reformations of the Constitution, and unconstitutional behaviours or attitudes – the founding principles of the Constitutional Charter: Labour, Peace, Justice, Legality, Freedom of Information and Expression, Minorities Rights, Civil Rights, Human Rights, National Unity, but most of all the National Heritage and Public Properties.”; in order to possess Egypt, the Egyptians and the Egyptian resources.
The problem is that once they set the grip on the lands and hands; they would promptly hand the loot, intact as a mortgage guarantee, to the international financial institutions in exchange for unneeded loans; pre-conditioned by severe sovereignty restrictive measures. Such measures they define as “Structural Adjustments Programmes” or “Urgent Reforms”, just to sweeten the bitter taste of the concentrated venom extracted one drop after the other from their mismanagement, and shoved by force into our throats.
The circle is closing fast.. And in the meantime our hypnotised population, along with an inefficient opposition of the numb “National Salvation Front”, have agreed to chose an outdated song to sing it out loud, out of rhythm and out of tune.
Sometime back in the summer of 2011, and under the title “To Whom It May Concern” I wrote:
… I will try to illustrate the main features of an undeclared struggle (at least not openly as yet) among those clans that I, after careful consideration, have agreed with myself to name:
“the Drowned Clan, the Floaters Clan,  the Swimmers Clan, and the Surfers Clan”.
I sincerely believe that they represent the main characters mirroring a population troubled by a chronic identity crisis, and anxiously in search for some idea or someone to bring them together and make of them, once again, a unified “Free Sovereign State”*.
A ‘someone’ I would call the “Captain” (since we’re talking sea-level)!
But how will such a figure be identified and selected (or maybe even imposed)? That is the question.
How sad.
Pass On The Word.
*The unified nation which defied the British Empire in 1919 and gave birth to the 1923 Constitution, a nation that produced souring enlightening banners like Saad Zaghlool Pasha, Hoda Sha’rawy Hanem, Kassem Amin Bey, Wassef Ghali Pasha, Makram Ebeid Pasha, Moustafa El Nahas Pasha, Tal’At Harb Pasha, Abboud Pasha, Rosa El Youssef Hanem.. And many more patriots whose contributions set the foundations for a prosperous state with a very strong economy whereas the Egyptian Pound topped King George’s Golden Sterling by 2,5pts until the early forties of last century. Men and women whom actions were performed according to their Refined Civil Sense not in compliance with their individual spiritual beliefs, or their private political or economical ideologies.

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