The dawn must come.

The dawn must come.

Thursday, 16 May 2013

S300 vs Patriot! CW-IV is on.

By: Ahmed ELNAHAS – Montopoli, May 14th 2013.
Putin decided and declared that he will not permit that his Russia will remain idly standing without a chair if and when the music stops.
In essence, that’s the outcome of the press conference held at Moscow’s Kremlin yesterday, right after the closure of the surprising flash meeting held between the Czar of the Kremlin and the re-elected Falcon of Tel Aviv.
Netanyahu, this time elegantly vested as a Peace Dove, went to Moscow hoping to soften Putin’s intentions to furnish the Syrian Army with S300 air defence missiles, ranging little more than 200miles, as the adequate counter measure against the American/NATO provocative installation of a chain of Patriot launching batteries in Israel and Turkey.
After forcing some rusty smiles while exhibiting uncertain hand-shakes before the lenses of the world’s reporters, He returned home to deliver His report to His Cabinet and tomorrow before the Knesset: Mission Failed.. He already dispatched the report to the White House on His flight back to Ben-Gurion Int’l Airport.  
Is this going to evolve into another Cuban Missiles crisis, which some fifty years ago threatened the entire world of a nuclear apocalypse? Or will it be contained into the boundaries of the same old game we came to know as the Cold War? If so it will be the fourth since the bloody WW-II, and historians will refer to it as CW-IV!
I’m afraid that the latter would be rather difficult to overcome, having too many edgy fingers ready to press the buttons. But in the end, only cold interests will prevail.. No matter how many human lives are still yet to perish in a senseless conflict.
Pass On The Word.
PS1: The only ones who will stand idly without a chair when the music stops are going to be us: the Arabs.. Of course Syria is firmly holding the pole position.
PS2: The only one expendable enough to be caught with a smoking gun in hand will be Hezb’Allah. Not Assad, Turkey, Israel, NATO, CIA, China or Russia.. Not even Iran.. And that is quite enough, for now, to satisfy Israel.

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