By: Ahmed ELNAHAS – Roma, May 3rd 2013.
In 1999 the American publishing firm Hay House Inc. launched one of its best sellers (13 reprints): “The Indigo Children, The New Kids Have Arrived”, co-written by Lee Carrol and Jan Tober.
It is all about our perception for ‘Evolution’.. Most of us treasure a tendency to consider the Human Being as a whole is a static model and not dynamically in evolution.
The authors, being engaged in teaching and preaching methods and techniques for “Self-Help” and “Self-Empowerment” in every corner of the United States and the world; have observed closely an emerging phenomena, in a more frequent measure, featuring new characteristics and behaviour patterns in today’s children; and the phenomena is demonstrating grand expansion, in terms of percentage points, of those special children among the births worldwide.
The “Indigo Children” are boys and girls seemingly endowed with a ‘new’ genetic heritage of extraordinary psychological attributes, much different of those recorded till now, and whom could very likely incarnate the “Next Level of Human Evolution”.
With regard to any system those young ones are Anti-conformist, precocious, intuitive, creative, innovators, sensitive.. Exhibit hardship to accept traditional pedagogic methods and refuse ‘a priori’ and beforehand any parental and/or tutorial authority. Those children are often diagnosed for learning disturbances, distraction and hyper-activism; and eventually become narcotised by psychotropic drugs like RITALIN to break their exuberant energies, wrongly judged ‘excessive’.
Carrol and Tober say: “Our culture is based upon the concept of evolution, however it refers only to the past. The idea of the arrival, on the planet, of a new Human Conscience, is hardly admissible”.
The authors made a considerable effort to enclose, in the making of this book, the valuable testimonies of physicians, teachers, psychologists, and parents to explain the phenomena in order to better set the useful strategies and propose the most efficient Natural Alternatives to the damaging psychotropic drugs.
That’s how they care and monitor very closely their treasure for the future: their children.. How about our P.Hdeed experts worming serenely about the poorly financed research centres and universities? Our intellectuals, sociologists, anthropologists, doctors, teachers, professors and tutors? Who will guide the parents through the complicated maze of the effective parenthood needed for OUR future?
Try to find that book, read it, for it could bring answer for too many unasked questions over the past 60 years.. Then..
Pass On The Word.
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