The dawn must come.

The dawn must come.

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Anti-Bodies or Anti-Biotic, they both KILL.

: Ahmed ELNAHAS – Montopoli, May 12th 2013.
By now there is no doubt that the thriving drive towards the Radical Right has become an internationally overwhelming trend; as well popularly applauded as demagogically [ab]used by many politicians,  and policy makers of every colour, to induce fear and intolerance as the only valid blend of anti-bodies against any type of “foreign contamination”; whether ethnic, social, economic, political or cultural it doesn’t matter; because “they’re all the same”, and they all “need to be firmly confronted by any possible mean to preserve the sound integrity of the community and to protect the authenticity of the heritage our forefathers have dearly sacrificed to pass it on to us; as it is NOW our duty to pass it on INTACT to our sons and many generations yet to come”!
These words you’ll hear them repeatedly in every political rally, economic forum or religious sermon in every corner of the world now-a-days, pronounced by every crowd swaying force: communist, socialist, xenophobe, religious, laic, ethnic, cultural, sectarian, tribal, progressive or regressive.. They all pronounce almost the same words to provoke different sentiments and attract the largest possible portions of an ever more idol mass.. The guaranteed result is VIOLENCE.. Pure, ignorant, cruel, cold and blind violence.
Whether exercised by individuals, groups or states; the outcome remains equally the same: Demagogic Fascism is advancing over the ruins of the once Pragmatic Capitalism and the ashes of the long cremated Progressive Socialism.. Republicans, Democrats, Monarchists, Communists, liberals, conservatives, Radicals, Anarchists, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jews, Christians, or Muslims; they all are, in a way or another, contributing in breeding the same awesome sleazy danger of “The New Fascist Doctrine”; which is fractioning more than ever, not only the states but the people in every state; into insignificant small defenceless tribes closed inside their own dialect and culture, thus all are united and gathered for their final suicidal run towards extinction.
And that is the best immediate collective gain procured by the new doctrine’s three apostles namely: Gatt, Mastericht Accords and Globalisation; who’ve been predicating the veneration and submission to The Almighty Dollar as the only acclaimed universal divinity, for the “…evolution and prosperity of all the peoples on earth”!
Well we’ve almost reached the target.. Extinction of course.
Pass On The Word.

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