The dawn must come.

The dawn must come.

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Exploring the Human Mind.

By: Ahmed ELNAHAS – Castelfiorentino, May 28th 2013.
History always fascinated me, and my curious reader part, tend sometimes to refresh my feeblish memory by dusting away some of my old history books resting over a good part in my humble home library.. Today, while watching the news coming from Syria, Lebanon and Palestine, I found myself forced to reopen some of those valuable books to retrieve what seems relevant to the issue in question. An issue that only you should name and define.
First quote:  
Ø  Kublai Khan massacred 10% of the populations in the Near East.
Ø  Catholic Spain massacred 10% of South American Natives.
Ø  Joseph Stalin massacred 5% of the Russian/Soviet population.
Ø  Hitler massacred 5% of Occupied Europe populations, and 75% of European Jews.
Ø  USA massacred 6.5% of the South Vietnamese population.
Ø  USA massacred 75% of the Native American people.
Here is a second quote:
The U.N. General Assembly adopted this term and defended it in 1946 as “....a denial of the right of existence of entire human groups”. However “….the 1994 U.N. Convention on the Punishment and Prevention of the Crime of Genocide, describes genocide beyond outright murder of people as the destruction and extermination of culture”.
And a third one:
Article II of the convention lists five categories of activity as ‘Genocidal’ when directed against a specific “national, ethnic, racial, or religious group”.
1)       Killing’ members of the group; not only was the method of massacre used, other methods for “Indian Removal” and “clearing” included military slaughter of tribal villages, bounties on native scalps, and biological warfare.
2)       Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of group such as the ‘forced removal’ from homelands.
3)       Deliberately inflicting, on the group, conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; this method is also known as the ‘assimilation’.
4)       Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; ‘sterilisation’.
5)       Forcibly ‘transferring children’ of the group to another group.
“Only a Mad person can think of being able to contrast my power and discuss the wisdom in my ruling”.
A common saying attributed to Dictators and repeated over the centuries, from the ancient Divine Rulers to very recent figures.. In a list as long as human history itself.. But man never learns from history..
And if he does, he’s the MAD one.
Now, according to what you’ve just read and if you are interested, I think that it should be entirely up to you to ‘name and define’ what’s going on not only to the Palestinian population and their lands; but as well in other parts of the world: Northern, Central and Western Africa; South America; and South East Asia; and when you do,
Pass On The Word.

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