The dawn must come.

The dawn must come.

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Patriot or accomplice?

By: Ahmed ELNAHAS – Montopoli, May 2nd 2013.
When the dust settles in the aftermath of the present “Institutional Battle”, between the Executive Authority and the Juridical Authority, and regardless of whatever outcome it may provide; we’ll discover that it is rather too late to remedy a far greater damage, that for quit some time have been silently corroding our fundamental republican values. Education!
Accepting the already messy Education System, aggravated by the new comers improvisations, as it is: ‘Public’ schools together with ‘Religious’ schools (state, public and private) along with ‘Élite Private’ schools; is not only creating a hazardous plurality within the education system, three different schools teaching three different sets of values, it is producing ‘Three Different Egypts’. And they are now fanatically fighting each other for no reason, except procuring fractal political gains, or scope apart from guaranteeing certain territorial acknowledgment.
Because such irrational conflict does not foresee any reconciliatory exits.. It is only favouring a profound social and cultural divisions housing grudge and nourishing hatred. And the harm remains: Egypt is divided, poor, indebted and ignorant. And none of these fractions have a cure on its own.. They know it, and still they strive ahead towards more collisions and more damage.  
I call on the Opposition Forces to urgently present their “Shadow Government”* to reset their priorities within a secular frame for the “Republican Reforms Strategic Plan”; and find ways to agree over the practical means to be adopted in order to set in motion that plan.
Changes need enormous combined efforts, not just words or slogans. The people will see you only as you’d want to be seen, either:
·         Patriots devoted to the Undividable Unity of the state, to the Republican Values and to guarantee the welfare of the population, or
·         accomplices in the same political plot to maintain the hegemony of a wealthy minority cast over the majority of the needy mass.
Pass On The Word.
*Reference is made to the article dated April 25th 2013 entitled “The Luxury I can’t Fathom”.

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