The dawn must come.

The dawn must come.

Thursday, 9 May 2013

HE will not be the last.

By: Ahmed ELNAHAS – Castelfiorentino, May 7th 2013.
Seeing the tears of ‘his’ sympathisers, hearing the warmest words of praise in ‘his’ favour promptly pronounced by many politicians from every stream, even those of the hired  trumpet blowers, the said journalists and intellectuals from different  tendencies or opposed sects; one cannot escape believing that the country is losing a statesman of great valour, the best politician of all times, and the father of the nation who have always guaranteed good governance and growing prosperity; notwithstanding ‘he’ was hounded with false accusations made by politicised magistrates, but in the end ‘his’ innocence was recognised and became rehabilitated in the eyes of everyone, within the perspective of a finally retrieved National Pacification.
Naturally, the truth is exactly the opposite. Not only juridical. But also historical as well as political. For no one, other than for many thoroughbred horses of our centuries long political history, could find a single substantial social or economic reform tied to ‘his’ name, a single political choice of ample breathing by which ‘he’ merits remembrance.
‘He’ was the living monument of cynicism in power.. Power for power.. An end of its own.. The power of “it is better to outlive the day, than to kick the bucket”. ‘He’ was the only responsible of the collapse of public funds that we are still paying dearly. A good for nothing politician, yet ready for anything and capable of anything. And still, or perhaps just because of all that, ‘he’ was popular.
You may think that I’m talking about the Egyptian ‘EX’ president who was forced to withdraw and resign his office on February 11th 2011.. You’re wrong.. In fact what I brought up here is an excerpt of Marco Travaglio’s today editorial on the Italian daily “Il Fatto Quotidiano”, and he’s talking about Giulio Andreotti , the notorious Christian Democratic politician who conditioned the Italian politics and policy making for over six decades.
Died yesterday of 94 years, Andreotti left a rather rich cuirricula: 7 times Prime Minister, 33 times Minister with portfolio, and for the past 13 years a Lifetime Senator.. His controversial political career made his fame as a capable moderator. But his well known collusion with the Italian Mafia families and international  Organised Crime icons, ever since WWII’s famous allies forces disembarked on the shores of Sicily till the 1980s*; was the most significant part of the Italian contemporaneous Political History; the part showing how State Institutions have frequently used the Mafia for political objectives.. And of course such ‘Favours’ did never went unrewarded.
Such information went public during Andreotti’s trial for several Criminal Association counts, including at least one political assassination, out of which he was definitely convicted but the terms went in smoke for expiry of prescription time.
Andreotti went to his grave taking with him 65 years of International, European and Italian political secrets.. Secrets that even Assange can’t track or publish on his dearest invention: Wiki-leaks.
Pass On The Word.
* years known as the Years of Lead giving way to the Season of Tension making the end of the First Republic and giving birth to the Second.. For more check the web for Season of Tension, Years of Lead.

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