The dawn must come.

The dawn must come.

Saturday, 2 November 2013

Quantifying Evil.. A Human Achievement.

By: Ahmed ELNAHAS – Montopoli, November 1st 2013.
Is Evil quantifiable? Could there be an acceptable Minor Evil? Or is it an absolute undividable ONE?
Cults.. Sects.. Clans.. Gangs.. Militias.. Brotherhoods.. Armies.. They all share one common unmistakable characteristic: they function only if and when structured upon the solid foundations of “Blind Obedience”, “Absolute Loyalty” and the indisputable “Expendability of the Single”!!
That explains why all of these groups are using almost the same “Recruiting and Training Techniques”.. From Brain-Washing and Mind Control to Behaviour Manipulation.. And all of this becomes tolerable in the name of making a “Minor Evil for a Greater COMMON Good”!!
Letting alone any references to man’s ‘Misinterpretations’ and the politically guided ‘Interpretations’; can anyone quote one single Verse from any of the 3 Monotheistic Religious Doctrines; a Revelation or a Teaching known to any of God’s chosen Prophets and Messengers, that could’ve been used (or is being used) to preach or even suggest such a mind obscuring nonsense?
If you do, share it with me and..
Pass On The Word.

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