By: Ahmed ELNAHAS – Montopoli, October 24th 2013.
the news agencies Ansa and Reuters have respectively aired two flashes,
in few words each, apparently having no connection whatsoever binding them;
however I think that a connection exists..
1. “…there are more than 60 thousand Iranian fighters
present in Syria engaged in combat flaking Assad’s armed forces”.
So confirms Ahmad Jarba, leader of the Syrian National Coalition, in London where
the international conference “Friends of
Syria” is taking place.
2. Hassanial Bolkiah the
Sultan Of Brunei (and one
of the top five richest men on the globe, nfa),
announced the entry in force of the ‘Sharìa’ into the Penal Code by April 2014.
Thus penalties like “Stoning” and “Amputation” will be introduced and
One may
wonder where is the connection? What could be the relation between a Syrian
Civil War and the peaceful Sultanate of Brunei? My answer
can be envisioned once we realise the western fearsome understanding of the fast
spreading bush-fire-type Radical Islamist
Movements over vast areas of the world; and the extended ability of those
movements to shape and influence International Politics.. For
the USA, NATO and Allies it is a very serious hazard other than a very costly
one (in terms of
intelligence, planning, coordination, logistics, displacements... etc).
In the Syrian
case, we have a large scale Shia intervention in support of Iran’s last, and
most important, ‘front line foot hold’ in the Middle East.. For Iran, Syria is its
National Security strategic defence line against [a] the
Turkish expansive intentions, and [b] the Western Alliance sponsored New Kurdistan project. That’s why the
leader of the Syrian National Coalition, knowing well the western worries
though not too well the western plans, did confirm the volume of the Iranian
interventions in Syria to enhance western ‘fears’ and accelerate their ‘plans’ of
a substantial political and financial support for a ‘New’ Syrian Government (hopefully not another replica of the
Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya experiences).
Also for
the Sultanate
of Brunei case, I believe that the same applies.. We have an extra rich
oil producing country, trapped and encaged geo-politically inside Malaysia (one of Asia biggest Islamic States which is hosting large militarised Fundamental Islamic groups);
so by risking the expansion of Islamic Militancy Extremism into his Sultanate, and
not having enough popular support to counter such possibility; the Sultan, also
not wishing to mortgage his oil revenues and/or concede foreign bases in
guarantee for a Western intervention to protect his Throne (as the Gulf States did for the past two Gulf Wars
with the consequences that we all know); he chose
to present his plan for establishing the Sharìa as the Main Source for
So both
issues are closely connected by the Fear from Islamic Extremism, in one
way or another.. Regardless how you look into the merits of each one of these
news flash, or read what may be hidden between the lines.
reached such an observation, I can’t help wondering about the reason(s) of the Islamic Moderate currents’ reluctance (or perhaps even incompetence) to make
front against the growing defiant frustrated and aggressive thrust of the Islamic Radical Extremism; the one that has
even succeeded in two decades to infiltrate the upper ranks of the International Islamic States Conference, other than its increasingly alarming
influence over the International Congress
for Islamic Studies and Researches (through the effective roles of the Shia scholars on
one hand and the financial muscles of the Wahabies on the other).
why I invite all Historians, Sociologists, Anthropologists, Ethnologists,
Philosophers, Muslim Clergy Scholars and competent analysts to study carefully
the phenomena in order to diagnose its root cause and suggest the practical
that are needed to definitely cure the cause, not just like ordinary pain
killers to periodically calm the symptoms.
then our future generations could find a way out from the overwhelming senses
of doubt, fear and insecurity that are corroding our daily lives; magnified by
the paralysing uncertainty about how safe we really are.. All of which are
legitimate sentiments when constantly nourished for long periods by such a
spiral of Irrational Blind Arrogant Violence.
Pass On The Word.
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