The dawn must come.

The dawn must come.

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

It’s Happening!

By: Ahmed ELNAHAS – Montopoli, October 9th 2013.
According to a report by Gianpiero Gramiglia on today’s Il Fatto Quotidiano, last Saturday a secret blitz carried out by a US Marines’ DELTA Force unit, ended up apprehending an Al Qaeda leader namely Abu Anas Al Libi. Obviously the event was badly digested by the Libyan authority other than the followers of the captive.
Foreseeing the possible retaliatory activities which could target US Diplomatic personnel and interests in Libya or in neighbouring North African States, the State Department talked about “precautionary measures” while the Pentagon mobilised a special Task Force Unit from its Spanish base MORON to reinforce its southern Italian base of Sigonella (according to the weekly TIME the base from which the DELTA Force have started the Saturday mission) in Sicily.
Ready to strike at a moment’s notice and code-named ‘BENGAZI’ the unit  consists of: 4 MV22 Osprey personnel air-transport units, 2 KC-130 air refueling tanks, and of course 200 marines; and carries out, among many other tasks, missions for evacuating US civilians, hostage recovery, and protection activities.
The US bases of Moron in Spain, Sigonella in Italy and Suda Bay in the Greek island Crete constitute one of the strong holds of American presence in the Mediterranean; and they all “are in support of eventual needs of the personnel and/or assets of the USA/Africom” (the US Military Command for Africa).
A department recently created to match the progressive modifications of the Military Crisis’s geography following the apparent end of the Cold War, the overcoming of the Balkans Conflicts, the endless War On Terrorism, and the explosion of the Arab Spring along with its counter blows; thus transforming the role of the US and NATO bases to return as the Aircrafts Carriers and the bridge to use as a launch paddock towards the Middle East and North Africa.
Now, after viewing what Mr. Gramiglia have reported, let me examine a couple of facts to try and deduct a conclusion or an hypothesis of a conclusion.
·         We know that there are over 33 US military bases in Italy alone, with tens of thousands troops and marines, storing an immense arsenal including tens of nuclear devices! So imagine the amount of arms, crafts, logistics and material deposits, installations, arsenals, fuel and troops existing now in Europe and in the Mediterranean area. And if you’re interested to know the number of active military US bases around the world just digit List, or map, of US military bases and you’ll find the link for
·         It is also no secret how the US military intervenes unilaterally and without prior notification to the proper local authorities.. It has been doing that in Afghanistan, Yemen, Libya, Pakistan, Iraq and God knows where else.. And that is another clear indication that it does not trust its ‘ALLIES’; except Israel.
·         If they are squeezing on Libya from the west, Syria from the North, and Sudan from the south; what could be the outcome on Egypt’s stability?
·         Add to that the ‘apparently unknown’ source(s) financing  [1] the internal terror groups whereby everyday the security forces are capturing individuals roaming about in the streets of Cairo and elsewhere bearing very large amounts of cash to pay whomever in the name of the Brotherhood for recruiting purposes or simply to buy support and sympathy; and [2] the tons of armaments and ammunitions smuggled from Libya through the western border.  
Adding up all these ‘facts’ together, one could clearly realise that the US/NATO “Plan To Redesign the New Middle East*” is actually on course.
Pass On The Word.
*See my article “What’s The Plan?” dated September 21st 2012 and published on my blog

PS: I’m sure that our  political and military Strategists do know and are considering these facts, nevertheless my question remains valid: “when will they transparently revert to the population with the plan to counter them, in order to unite and solidify the internal front in support of their present and future actions?”!!

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