The dawn must come.

The dawn must come.

Monday, 4 November 2013

Ci sei o ci fai?!

By: Ahmed ELNAHAS – Montopoli, November 3rd 2013
An Italian proverb (literally: you are or you do?) used to wonder about the true character of someone that you can’t figure out whether he is really that imbecile or is he just doing it for a purpose.
Politicians, intellectuals, journalists, and TV networks, not only in Italy but throughout the entire Western Free World; are all NOW, only now, crying out the scandalous political foul labelled DATAGATE.. As if they have not seen Gene Hackman, interpreting his Oscar-winning role in Francis Ford Copola’s "The Conversation", denouncing the project ECHELON!! (just type ECHELON on your browser search bar and you’ll understand exactly what it is).
They should’ve known that Echelon existed as a military project since 1947, and soon later entered into civil activities, so to say, in the sixties and continues to be subject for modifications to enhance its potentials in order to meet the velocity of modern scientific and information technology developments.
They must have also understood the enormity of Echelon’s interception capacity and real-time interpretation .. Maybe they knew as well that ALL the tenants of the White House in Washington DC have used it, are using it and will continue to use it, for the strategic advantages of the 'land of the free and the home of the brave'!
Even more.. Those politicians, intellectuals, journalists, and TV networks have for very long known that governments, Western and non; have financed countless Researches Projects, classified of course, engaging armies of scientists to develop and produce ever more sophisticated technologies, software programmes, tools and equipment to strengthen their competitive edge in the counter-intelligence universe as well as in the fearsome arena of Industrial Espionage.
If you, me, him and her the simple mortals know that the Chronic American Paranoia, manifested right after September 11, and which gave birth to the Patriot Act I and II; to the huge increment of spy-satellites in orbit; to the introduction of a term and concept like Preventive War in the political lexicon thus turning it into an internationally acceptable practice; to accelerate the Echelon project’s modifications and affiliated exercises like PRISM or TEMPORA and who knows what else; well that Paranoia has rendered the term “National Security” so large and that flexible as to contain and embrace any action that was previously considered politically incorrect and immoral!
Unfortunately the times of the gallant chivalry have long gone, and we have come to know that in war everything is allowed .. No? And it is the West that launched this never-ending World War on Terrorism. So why are they all so scandalised? Why argue about the numbers? Whether the NSA and other sister agencies were tapping ‘billions’ or ‘millions’ communications? Per minute or per day? Have they not all watched the BIGS publicly wanting it and repeatedly approving it in their various rallies: G8, G20, NATO, Davos, etc. ...?
Politicians, intellectuals, journalists, and TV networks are only defending their guilt just by magnifying the consequences and not debating the merits of the issue.. Just like doctors who treat the pain prescribing strong pain killers, and not investigating patiently the root causes of it in order to cure and heal the pain.
So please spare us the headache and shut up.. All of you.. Just enjoy the “Big Brother”* who loves you because you worship him that much!
Pass On The Word.
* The term ‘Big Brother’ was coined and introduced by George Orwell in his best seller master piece “Ninteen Eighty Four”.

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