The dawn must come.

The dawn must come.

Friday, 8 November 2013

Immunity cannot mean IMPUNITY.

By: Ahmed ELNAHAS – Montopoli, November 7th 2013.
International news agencies, concerned with the Egyptian and Arab Spring updates, have just broke out the news of an accelerated discussion in the policy making rooms to elaborate a new law tailored to protect the High Ranking Officials from responding to civil or penal code, pulling in the elasticity of a term like “Good Intentions”.
Supporters of the Good Intentions Bill are claiming that it shall offer public officials the needed security to perform their functions and the required serenity for decision making! Something much higher than Immunity! Of course.. When you’re certain of being licensed a law guaranteed “Impunity”, you can do whatever you may want to do.. Even breaching the law itself wouldn’t cause any problem or even embarrassment.
I see such hazard as the most dangerous maneuver in the course of Egypt’s struggling navigation in search for “Bread, Liberty and Social Justice”. Because pursuing democracy, welfare and freedom require the absolute and undividable “Legality”, the one establishing and ensuring the Principal Cardinal for Justice that no one is above the law; without which we can easily affirm that we’ve wasted all that time in vain.
Remember? We’ve been there alright.. For long decades we have witnessed a procession of outspoken ‘experts’ presenting many attractive models while parading the most innovative patterns for made-to-order laws at will, size and measure of whomever sits on the throne.. For the sake of protecting special interests of special citizens.
What would you call that?  
In my article Justice #7 of August 27th 2013, referring to the Chinese Communist Party’s “Document No. 9 : the dangers that must disappear from the Chinese language”. I wrote:
“.. And the most intriguing article of that document is number 7. It literally states: “It shall not anymore be mentioned the term Independence of the Juridical System”!
“…In poor words the documents is saying: make your own ‘Reform’ at the first occasion (once in power) without debates or discussions; talking about it is a danger, because you will not obtain any support from the mass for a Justice that is not equal for all”.
“Does that seem familiar to you?”
That is the essence of being ruled by a Monopolitocracy!*
Pass On The Word.
*Mono-Politocracy: a newly crafted lexicon in political terminology referring to a monopole created by lobbyists beneficiating from political careers and as such creating a closed clan of political élite similar to the medieval feudal aristocracy. 
PS: I invite you to read my article “Laesa Maestas” published on June 29th 2013.. It’s very much relevant. You’ll find it on my blog

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