By: Ahmed ELNAHAS – Montopoli, November 14th 2013.
Massimo Fini is an
esteemed popular exponent of the Italian independent media and a reputed
signature for many local and regional reviews and dailies; he is also a trusted
analyst on International Affairs, other than a reliable source of information
making of him the excellent invitee at local and regional think tanks.
In the course of stating
his opinion regarding the Morsi trial, in a recent article on the Italian Il Fatto Quotidiano, he qualified that
trial as “Absurd”.. To know better
his reasons, allow me to bring some passages from that article.
>>Since when, in
these parts, Democracy is measured by street manifestations rather than by the
end count of the ballot papers? On June 24th, Morsi was elected
democratically holding 51% of the preferences in the first free elections after
30years of Mubarak’s dictatorship; only after little over one year he got
overthrown by the Commander General of the Armed Forces supported by some
popular manifestations which were described by the western media as ‘large
consensus binder’. Salafities to Laics and Communists.<<
>>Morsi is accused
of having incited the Security forces to kill 8 protesters during one of those
manifestations. An accusation that is very difficult to prove. Yet on the other
hand and in 2 successive pro-Morsi manifestations, according to some
estimations, the casualties were ranging between 600 and 2000 protesters.<<
>>He was
overthrown, accused and incarcerated by order of the Military Institution, the
long time Egyptian authority enjoying generous American financing.. The
Institution that supported Mubarak (being one of its own) for over 30 years.<<
>>The true guilt of
the Brotherhood is that they are Muslims (even if Morsi during his
short term had never enacted any law that can be tagged Sharìa). And that’s the reason why (being Muslim) western countries, always ready to stick their
noses in others houses whenever it suits their interests, but in the Egyptian
case are adopting the attitude of the apologue chimpanzees: no see, no hear, no
say.. Everything goes well for them, the Coup-d’État or the Military
re-dictatorship.. (The only communiqué, in perfect liberal style,
denouncing these anti-constitutional anti-democratic illegalities, was that of
the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan of the Mullah Omar).<<
>>Then it is a
repetition of the 1981 situation of Algeria* when, after decades of bloody
military dictatorship, the first free elections brought the Islamic Salvation Front (FIS) to power. The Algerian Generals, having the full
support of the entire WEST, cancelled the elections with the motivation that
FIS would have established a Dictatorship! Meaning that in the name of an all
in all presumed Dictatorship, the precedent one is reaffirmed.<<
>>But for Morsi who
have governed only for a year and without violating the constitution, it cannot
be the case to submit him to a trial on intentions; his only guilt is being
inefficient for lack of ruling experience. But Morsi is not a friend to the
Americans, he is a Muslim, perhaps a radical or a fundamentalist. So “Écrasez l’infame” (crush the infamous).. But the infamous, in Egypt and elsewhere, are
That is an example of the
Western Alliance perception of the Egyptian case.. Many others have handled the subject from
different angles, though the clue is the very same.. Nevertheless, they are all
alert, like the participants in a musical chair game where no one wants to
stand without a chair when the music stops, to the slightest shift in the
American tunes.
Whether we would agree or
not, like it or not; we wouldn’t make a difference simply because, as Mr. Fini
puts it: “…western countries, always ready to stick their noses in others houses
whenever it suits their interests, but in the Egyptian case are adopting the
attitude of the apologue chimpanzees: no see, no hear, no say”!
Yet a question remain
strongly valid: Do we really want, or need, them to change their perception and
Pass On The Word.
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