The dawn must come.

The dawn must come.

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Two Standards.. One Vicious Circle.

By: Ahmed ELNAHAS – Montopoli, August 16th 2013.
The White House’s statements have officially green-lighted the blood thirsty awesome machine of the international media to begin the fierce campaign geared to systematically attack Egypt’s interim government’s security measures!!
The very same White House that few years ago blessed Mubarak’s continuous violations of human and civil rights of the Brotherhood’s hierarchies!!
The very same White House that for generations have constantly, and generously, financed and armed the Arab Dictatorships in order to suppress human and civil rights!!
The very same White House that bribed ignorant, and conspiring, Arab Dictators to escalate and ignite the unstoppable and irrevocable Sectarian, Ethnic, Religious and cultural conflicts!!
The very same White House that, in the name of the War On Terrorism, have ordered too many black operations and false flag missions causing hundreds of thousands of civilian casualties in the world (mainly Arabic and Islamic)!!
The very same White House that have never moved a finger to warn any Egyptian administration to stop oppressing, torturing or eliminating its political opponents!!
The very same White House that have always encouraged Sadat and Mubarak to alienate the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas!!
The very same White House that approved Kissinger’s NSM200 back in the 70s!!
The very same White House that have prepared, wrapped and sealed more than one definition for every political, military, economic, juridical and social value (Democracy, Freedom, Welfare, Prosperity, Security, Growth, Defence, Sovereignty, Independence, Aid, Assistance…Etc.); to be used locally and internationally in compliance with the USA administration’s ultimate needs and goals!!
They are paying us to kill each other and animate their “Way Of Life” and maintain alive their “Dream” before a globalised world which by now is considered their Coliseum!
Can you answer intelligently this simple question: who will break this vicious circle?
Pass On The Word.

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