The dawn must come.

The dawn must come.

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Stairway To H…!!

By: Ahmed ELNAHAS – Montopoli, August19th 2013.
Every now and then I tend to review my writings to reorganise my thoughts, monitor my findings and adjust, if necessary, my conclusions; because I am certain that for us, the common mortals, truth is never abstract or absolute.. So bear with me and relive these moments..
I] On August 3rd 2011, in my article “Where is our Nuremberg”, I wrote:
“I have the right to be angry, and to express my anger as I see appropriate for the given circumstance which initially triggered my anger. As long as my manifestation does not breach God or man laws”.
“Being angry for no reason or, even worse, for the wrong reason, as to substitute anger for frustration, for helplessness, or for despair; is the joy of even the inexperienced amateur manipulator, not to mention the skillful professional reactionary politicians and their lobbies who can and are using our youth’s anger to demolish the entire revolution”.
“Unless we would have our Nuremberg, the worse may yet be waiting round the corner on the next turn”.
II] On December 31st 2011, in my article “Skepticism or Realism, the outcome is the same”, I wrote:
“I fear that it may take, in the best case scenario, a generation to understand and educate the right teachings for a better socio-political know-how in order to be able to make reliable choices. Pending the rest of the world remains static and petrified awaiting our recovery. Until then will we continue being these separated islands casted adrift among the swelled waves of uncertainty?
Once again Einstein proved to have had a point when saying: “We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them in the first place”.
III] On February 16th 2012, in my article “A Country called Anarchy and a Government named Chaos”, I wrote:
“They” have already seeded fear, insecurity and mistrust among the various ethnic/religious sects of the population. 
“They” would let Egypt slide into Anarchy in a way to trigger a long term exhausting conflict and drown the entire country in the moving sands of “Chaos”. The result would be to drain out Egypt’s remaining crumbs of resources, making of her an easy prey for economic speculators and financial adventurers.
“They” have a lot to lose if Egypt could stand up to acquire its post once again within the international community..
We know from past human experiences that every major political, social or economical change; is accompanied by, or immediately followed by, a phase of “chaotic disorder”. And it is always the length of such a phase that will determine the type of the following “Stabilising Order”.
IV] On March 24th 2012, in my article “The missing plug”, I wrote:
“The Military Institution along with its puppet cabinet and the unleashed Police Forces joined efforts to squeeze the revolution out of its last bit of thrusting energy, and to press down the rising political forms of opposition into a mild image same as “Before”. And those who respectfully stood tall by their principles, having understood clearly what’s lying in between the lines of that script, were forced somehow to quit the scene.. El Baradei is a flagrant example in this case.
At first we were continuously faced by the respectable and humble figures of many exponents from the “Muslim Brotherhood” and the “Salafist” movements, all swearing to God that they have no intention, wish or ambition in politics and that they want to remain among the ranks of the people to serve and observe! In fact, due to free undemocratic elections following the old tailored laws, they became the crushing majority in Parliament and many of them changed views after several closed meetings with the “Field-Marshal”! Remember “Dr. El AWWA”?
Actually the agenda that we dreamed of, and the ‘Priority Tasks’ that we hoped to see accomplished were all just smoke on the water and ash in the eyes.. The “Order” is still alive and well.. And the recapitulation after fourteen months results in hundreds dead civilians, other thousands tortured behind bars, arbitrary arrests, corruption, agonising economy, a helpless nominated cabinet and a crippled parliament!!
I’m afraid that we will remain wandering for a long time searching for the plug that we missed and wondering what is it that we didn’t know?”
V] On October 26th 2012, in my article “Last call Dr. Morsi!! My open letter to the President, I wrote:
You know better than anyone else, Sir, that the Egyptians, all of them and not only the Muslim Brotherhood, rose on January 25th 2011 calling for “Bread, Liberty, Social Justice and Integrity”.. They were longing for a civil governance to clean and clear, but they didn’t want to relive the experiences of any kind or shape of ‘Authoritarian Dictatorship’.
That’s why I call on you to review your priorities and make front to that ‘Clear and Eminent Danger’ which is threatening Egypt.. The danger of a “Sectarian, Cultural, Religious and Ethnic Struggle” which will dismember the nation into fragments through violent confrontations and uncontrollable growing hatred that only God knows for how long such a plague may last. A conflict that will entail not only chaos, but as well it will produce more unemployment, more poverty, more need, much more lack of services, and of course much more paralysing debts.
Address these six topics (overhaul of the Labour Law(s), scaled ‘Tax Grids’, Anti-Corruption Bill, Citizenship Criterion Chart, Progressive Education and Scientific Research Plan , new legislation supporting and protecting the Freedom of Expression) all the way through, Dr. Morsi,  and only then you will defeat the enemies of the Revolution, you will meet the expectations of the Egyptians, you will wave away the doubt of your administration’s secret deals and you will regain the respect expected for a PRESIDENT.. And of course you know, Sir, that all are to be earned.
Yours Truly,
VI] On November 4th 2012, in my article In the name of the Sovereign People rise a Federal Republic”, I wrote:
…let me draw your attention to a statement I dug out from the minutes of NATO’s Defence Ministers extraordinary meeting in Brussels regarding the Libyan Revolution, following two weeks of its outburst; a statement which I believe is the key to unlock the closed door (signed Free World) behind which the ‘Colonial Powers’ hid for long; whereas the French Defence Secretary invited the participants to endorse “…urgent Humanitarian Aids, large financing and generous logistic supplies in support of a population in need of freedom, self determination and longing for a ‘Democratic Federation’.”!
The term ‘Democratic Federation’ means nothing else then the plan to divide Libya was already there!! Same way as they did to the Balkans some two decades ago, or Sudan and Iraq.. Equal fate awaits other nations like Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and maybe even Egypt.
The unconditional submissive obedience to the tribe/clan/cult leader that still controls our dominant agro-nomad culture (the father, the older brother, the mayor, the omda, the imam, the priest, the teacher, the guru, the employer, the Supervisor or in many cases the Emir of the so called Jamaa meaning Jihadist Cell) explains that superficial and emotional approach to all issues of our lives is the one and only reason for all our failures.
I wonder when we will regain our critical sense and start reasoning..
I didn’t forget that the first word the Archangel Gabriel taught The Prophet was ‘IQRA’..
And you?
I invite your input to further our search for the common grounds upon which to build our National Unity.. Away from any institution, lobby, organisation or master.
Pass On The Word.

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