The dawn must come.

The dawn must come.

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

A little evil for a greater good!

By: Ahmed ELNAHAS – Castelfiorentino, August 14th 2013.
The Brotherhood, Al Azhar, The Military, the Police, the Media and the Government are all chanting their sermons having that statement as a key note!
I wonder..
Is this a valid exchange?
Who are they, no who are we, to determine the proper amount of evil necessary to produce any given amount of good?
This is not a drug, experimented and produced in pharmaceutical laboratories, intended to heal specific deceases using controlled quantities of venoms; we’re talking about armed conflict chosen to impose a solution for an absurd political stalemate.
The problem is that such a conflict is uncontrollable because it is bound to escalate.. None of the confronting parties seem to have a preset mark point at which to start negotiating terms and conditions.. Both parties are seeking the adversary’s unconditional surrender.
None is calculating the post trauma status.. None have the faintest vision for the next Egypt.. None seem to care anymore about the endless dark tunnel of hatred that we all allowed ourselves to drive in at full speed blind(mind)folded.
Only foreign interests and western powers are placing their bets and cooling the Champagne.
Congratulations my fellow Egyptians: Muslims or Copts, religious or atheists, liberals or conservatives, rich or poor.. This time we blew it REAL BIG!
Pass On The Word.

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