The dawn must come.

The dawn must come.

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Foloul or Falafel?

By Ahmed ELNAHAS – Pisa, July 4th 2013.
As an impartial observer, I would say that what seem to be the protests of spontaneous mass mobilisations materialising in giant demonstrations, is impressive yet unproductive, and sometimes ineffective but most of the time irresolute and inconclusive; however vulnerable to manipulation and disorientation, in a way to produce a state of confusion allowing violence.. And in that case it becomes an excuse for whomever wishes to abort the reasons and forget the objectives at the start line, so it would never be permitted to reach the finish line.
June the 30th will be remembered as the day when the Regressive Forces (Al Foloul) have successfully used the Revolutionary Energy to regain control and force the Military Establishment to fulfill their agenda: repossess Egypt. Because both of them are certain that we are using terms like freedom, democracy and civil rights as punch lines not as compelling our code of conduct. And here lies our mistake.. Here is this revolution’s Achilles’ Heel!!
As the Brotherhood at first have confiscated the Revolutionary thrust of 28th of January 2011,  using it to climb the walls of the Presidential Palace and Parliament, and in a daring way declared “we came to stay and will not leave”.. Now the Military found their excuse by which to get even and settle the score. They will in their own terms confiscate this new rebellious energy, mostly found and partially recruited, trained, financed and orchestrated; to reacquire what seem to have been lost just one year ago.
The inexperience and incapacity of the Brotherhood to govern, added to their success in weakening the unorganised opposition factions, the inefficiency by which their government(s) handled the country’s priorities, the deterioration of public services, the lack of security, the absence of a clear  strategic vision; provided the Reactionary Forces (Al Foloul) with the necessary arguments and tools, not only to infiltrate into the opposition ranks, but have also procured them the ammunition to demolish the entire set of objectives requisitioned by the Egyptians in the first place: Freedom, Democracy, Civil Rights, and Dignified Living.
Now, through the feared might of the Military Establishment along with its excellent relations with the American institutional Agencies, the Foloul  lobbies will use the very same slogans to regain their full control on the street. And by controlling employment and wages, we’ll be back all over again to restart once more from October 6th 1981.
 I prefer Falafel!
Pass On The Word.

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