By: Ahmed ELNAHAS – Montopoli, July 2nd 2013.
Then it’s
true.. We, the Egyptians, have been for very long educated and institutionalised,
by adopting the State’s preset molds of
behaviour, in a way to react according to few easily detectable
patterns.. And the system worked (and still is) perfectly pending on the facts that: a) we were
driven into a collective stage of dottiness, being brainwashed and badly
educated over sixty years of shallow intellect exchange and cultural censorship,
and b) we have a very short memory. That’s why:
We forgot that 60 years of Military and Police
Dictatorship were the reason why we rose up to rebel in the first place!
We forgot the SCAF’s 16 months of injustice whereas
hundreds were arrested, tortured and tried before Military Courts and by the
Military Laws!
We forgot the tens of women who were forcefully submitted
to the shame of the Virginity Test by the Military Inquisitors!
We forgot, and are passing over the brutal fact that
we are merely demanding food, freedom and justice.. After 60 years of
suppression, still we are not asking for what should’ve been the normality in
the 21st century: healthy environment, better eco-system, modern
public education, strategic Scientific Research, nation-wide health care
coverage, elder age services, child rights, clear water, independent
information, equal rights, better labour
laws, eliminating tax evasion, fighting corruption, establishing laws for
Conflict of Interest…Etc.
because we were fed up with the Fascist governance of the
Brotherhood and fearing its allies common project for a Middle East Islamic Rule; we are celebrating today the Military Ultimatum as the
only ‘peaceful’ way out from the dead-end path in which the Brotherhood brought
us all against its walls. (The question is: will it really be peaceful?).
As if
Egypt is that sterile so it cannot produce anymore a single patriot figure,
honest enough and fairly capable to lead it into safety and prosperity.
Well, in
the best case scenario, the Military will have no alternative but to do the
1) extend
the Emergency Laws and declare curfews, in order to contain the
expected Radical Muslim Extremists fanatic retaliatory actions,
2) nominate
a Moderate Military Figure (and not the Supreme Court Chair) to
preside the country for a limited phase of transition,
3) constitute
an ‘ElGanzoury Type Cabinet’ to run the domestic day by day matters, (though defined as a National Salvation Government, it
will include a majority of ex NDPs),
4) maintain
the custody of sovereign portfolios,
5) re-negotiate
Sinai Accords,
6) freeze
the Hamas/Fatah Egyptian mediation,
7) open
up for new bilateral intelligence agreements with western allies,
8) set
a date for Administrative and Legislative Elections (always according to the prevailing unjust laws),
9) will
not encourage any possibility to design a new constitution.
Of course
the immediate consequences may be a fair flow of investments, a return to
almost normality in Tourism, a containment of prices, and eventually an end to
the fuel and energy crisis; but the bottom line will not include in any way the
term Democracy*.
*For more about the term I refer
you to my article “Democratic
Revelations” posted on June 11th 2013. Check it up on my blog
afraid that we have become so doubting to let no one gain our trust to lead; so
the easiest thing to do is to sustain and welcome another era of Military Rule (closing both eyes on who’s really been orchestrating
the play from day 1 when the Brotherhood won the presidential elections).
Thus, in order to regain our previous virtual “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” daily life, we will hand everything back to
the Military convinced of the intentionally dispatched lie on how
civilised it is to support that ‘Peaceful White Revolution in the name of Democracy’; neglecting a
small detail: that hundreds have already died, while thousands have been
mutilated, tortured and incarcerated.
El Sissy,
the soldier, have every reason to believe that “…the country’s Interests and its National Security are in clear and
eminent danger”, due to the hesitance and reluctance of the Brotherhood..
From Sinai unidentifiable infiltrations to Ethiopia’s Nahda Dam; and from the
boiling ‘domestic front’ through the uneasy
‘neighbouring’ borders till the rapidly changeable ‘foreign’ expectations, the
Armed Forces must have its say.. But will it say the right words?
Pass On The Word.
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