The dawn must come.

The dawn must come.

Friday, 19 July 2013

Fighting Evil with Evil is Evil.

By: Ahmed ELNAHAS – Montopoli, July 19th 2013.
It is illogic and most absurd that we accept to protest against injustice by being unjust; to resist oppression by terrorising; ask for security by aggression; demand democracy by denying the other’s rights; practicing opposition by killing the opponent; or controlling order by bullets not by the law!
The more we fight Evil with Evil, the more we become vulnerable to anything and everything.. And that in itself is Evil
Disroot, eradicate, exterminate, extirpate, pluck, grub, stub or even just deracinate; are few of a lot more alternative synonyms destined to become the action needed NOW for the Egyptian institutions and social parties combined to review their extreme fanatic ideological belongings by which they are shredding our social tissue and demolishing every hope for our UNITY as the only valid defence against vulnerability.
If Politic is the art of compromise and Governance is the adequate application of the possible.. Thus to have effective politics and good governance, we must reset our ideas to make front to the dangers acquired so far by the primitive, stubborn and short sighted approach of the whole lot previous cast: the unfit, and sometimes corrupt, politicians who forcefully ran the country (on behalf of others) ever since 1947 until now.. Not excluding the Brotherhood with its Islamic Project, the Foloul with their corruption producing politics of the “Stability/Security Pact”, the Military as the major shareholder of the country’s assets, the Technocrats with their limited vision, or the Bureaucrats with their book-keepers type hesitant performance.
We’ve tried in vain the sterile Presidential rule for too long, and look where it drove us.. We need the rigorous clear-sightedness and the lawful impartiality by which the institutions would solve our problems and save the country from the eminent bloodshed.
Pass On The Word.

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