The dawn must come.

The dawn must come.

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Who said Humans are an intelligent specie?

By: Ahmed ELNAHAS – Montopoli. March 30th 2013.
I intend to present here my case and prove human stupidity. But first I’d like to premise the established fact stating that: “Exception Prove The Rule”. Because, in my opinion, the mere accidental existence of few sleazy crafty beings belonging to the human race is the exception proving the indisputable rule confirming human stupidity.
Here are the facts, the indisputable facts:
Ø  BANGUI, Central African Republic/DAKAR, 29 March 2013 – Following looting and insecurity in the conflict-hit Central African Republic, 2 million children remain without access to basic social services and are exposed to violence. Even more children will be deprived if the situation in the country does not stabilize rapidly. UNICEF calls on all parties to the conflict to immediately stop the looting of humanitarian supplies, to ensure free and secure access of humanitarian actors to those in need, and to ensure that all involved respect humanitarian principles, human rights and the rule of law.. According to the SIPRI Yearbook 2012 the Central African Republic is spending US$. 52,900,000,000.--/yr on arms.
Ø  The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia which is protected by 3 known US Airbases, spends the beauty of  10.1% of its GDP amounting to US$. 46,219,000,000.--/yr on armaments.. While the United Arab Emirates, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, and Bahrain with their declared permanent 8 US Air Bases and 2 US Naval Bases; combined altogether are disbursing the sum of US$. 76,133,000,000.--/yr!
Ø  Egypt who signed peace treaties, and promoted the peaceful slogan “No More Wars” spends US$. 3,914,000,000.--/yr on armaments, equivalent to 2.1% of its GDP; however the actual Egyptian Defence Budget is far beyond such a modest figure. Nevertheless it is a daily civil practice participating in endless queues for bread, for fuel, for food, for vote, for house use methane bottles…etc. And we know the truth about Egypt’s social sufferings, not to mention its economic and political pathologies.
When children die because of wars, conflicts, poverty, starvation, corruption, or poor medical care; while such sums of money are freely circulating from one account to another; then I’d rather define this as the most stupid act ever conceived by Human Brain.. You may invite other terms like ignorance, greed, competition.. etc.. And you have every right to do so, but let me tell you that these are just excuses and reasons, or if you’d rather they are ‘symptoms’ demonstrating the chronic disease named ‘stupidity’ which is driving Human Specie to a guaranteed auto-obliteration.
I will not go any further into the tons of figures I have before me to demonstrate the ocean wide gap separating the ‘Haves’ afar from the ‘Have-Nots’.. It is pointless at this stage.. Because by now I assume that most of us (members of the eternal fraternity of the Developing Countries) know for certain that these figures represent a thin margin of the so called “Sovereign Debt” serving our nations as the main dish on the dinner table of the ‘Int’l Monetary Fund’ and its twin brother the ‘Word Bank’ (ironically baptised as the “International Bank For Reconstruction and Development”) both born after WWII to the Bretton Woods Accords as pure American Private Financial Institutes intentioned to serve one master only: “The USA Global Governance”.
The mere fact that no one talks about it, nonetheless do something about it, do support my theory.. We Are Stupid.. And we refuse to admit it. We’ll keep on refining our knowledge of self destruction until we consume our habitat and demolish our environment and when there is nothing left for our survival, we will eat each other.
Albert Einstein once said: “I don’t know how the third world war would end, but I’m certain that the fourth will be fought with stones and sticks”!
Pass On The Word.

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