The dawn must come.

The dawn must come.

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Don’t Worry.. Be Happy!

By: Ahmed ELNAHAS – Castelfiorentino, April 12th 2013.
In this world wherein the only adored ‘Divinity’ is “Gold”.. Where the only respected ‘Doctrine’ is the “Pagan Book Of Globalisation”.. Rituals of which are sacredly celebrated inside ‘Open Market Temples’ where the merchants, who took over the “Sacerdotal Powers and Ceremonial Functions”, have installed their stands where every imaginable merchandise is attractively exhibited and promoted for sale: from weapons of mass destruction to child pornography.. From human flesh to human dignity.. Even peace or war are on sale for a price.
Everything is but a commodity nicely showcased for sale to the lucky one who afford the price. And should his subscription ticket come out a winner from the frequent random draw, he can have anything he’d desire, on top of his ‘Fair Priced’ acquisitions, even an entire country with its population as prizes.. A non-stop open day for an extinct Human Morality.
The provocative escalation of the Temples Merchants’ greed can’t stop at nothing to satisfy their pathologic bulimic hunger, not even when it comes to eating our flesh and sucking our blood. For as long as it is profitable, they’ll keep on doing it by shoving their ‘values’ by force down our throats, by preaching their invented teachings, and by celebrating their indecent rituals included in the wild hypnotising collective ceremonies they produce and broadcast live on every screen or stage of every corner of the small village called Earth.
And we (you, me and millions like us) are bound to consume all that s..t, and even gladly pay for it!! To the joy of the IMF & Co.
Here are extreme two examples of sceneries from our way of life, for you to investigate and, if you like, comment:
1.      “Sakina” was arrested few weeks ago, tried and sentenced to a 150 Egyptian Pounds fine and the seizure of her merchandise, because she was found guilty of “Illegal and Unlicensed Commerce”! Normal, no? No my friends, not normal at all.. Sakina is a widow that lost her only son who left behind his 4 children under her responsibility. Obviously they need food, medicines, clothing, schooling…etc; and the inhuman pensions of her departed husband and son, cannot allow her making ends meet; so she swallowed her pride and started selling paper tissues around traffic lights to collect those few yet very necessary extra pounds.. And the seized merchandise, that was found on her, were just few live rabbits she bartered for to prepare some decent dinner for her orphan grand children, and maybe also to start a trade!! That was her crime.
2.      Once upon a time, few young ambitious Egyptians, committed to the social solidarity cause; started a project to collect the food leftovers from hotels and restaurants, that they’d carefully sort out, nicely and hygienically wrap; then distribute, the by now presentable hot portions, upon the unfortunate needy and desperate ones, wherever those could be found.. However today things have drastically changed, for the hotels and restaurants prefer to “Sell” the very few food leftovers to animal farms who convert those leftovers into “Low Cost Stock Feed”!
And what is our esteemed “God Fearing Government” doing about that? It is arrogantly begging loans from Libya, Qatar, and of course the IMF to finance the Central Bank of Egypt and attract the runaway Businessmen to maybe come back and employ part of the long trail of those unemployed millions who are desperately aspiring to be once again “Salary Slaves”.   
“Big Money” is slowly conquering and gradually occupying the spiritual territories once under the full dominion of the “Big Five”: Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Mohammad.. isn’t it?
Look in curiosity around you and question critically, but honestly, every aspect of our “Modern Way of Life”.. You’ll have the answer.
Pass On The Word.

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