The dawn must come.

The dawn must come.

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Out of the Cocoon.

By: Ahmed ELNAHAS – Montopoli, April 10th 2013.
“…and then they would roll and wrap the ‘other’; penetrate his ranks and thoughts; so that very slowly they’d transform him into a clone of themselves; and finally they would completely absorb him by means of the complicated art of assimilation of which they were masters”.
This is not a passage quoted out from a science fiction novel; instead it is the description of the tactical practices, known as “Exhaust and Drain”, used to contain and convert an enemy, or an adversary, into an ally if not a loyal and possessed apostle.. A tactic that man has inspired from Nature by observing the Silkworm wrapping itself in a Cocoon inside which it shall hibernate for some time, and when it’ll come out it shall be another being: a Butterfly.  
History demonstrates how such practices were exercised by man ever since his existence; and through the trials and errors of constant repetitions man was able to refine these practices and mold them to fit into every aspect of modern human activity:  economy, politics, culture, social governance, sport, administration, and recently even in business.
That is precisely the hazardous fate awaiting the once called “Arab Spring” especially in Egypt, where more than one force have been trying to power its way into the mass by following exactly the same recipe: the Brotherhood, the fragile opposition, the Islamic Radicals (Salafitee), the regressive counter revolutionary forces, the Military institution, the social movements (labour unions, artisans, students, farmers, merchants…etc), Foreign interests (CIA, MOSSAD, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey).
As a result of such tactical ‘battles’ (using just the same practices expressed here above) we found ourselves obliged to live the horrors of this absurd reality, whereas, after two years of the 2011’s January 25th revolts, one can observe the outcome: the complex multitude of Egyptian cultural, ethnic, social and political fronts have been overwhelmingly absorbed into two forces opposing each other in a struggle destined to enlarge and deviate its course to become the worst armed conflict Egypt has ever met:
a)      the Islamic Radical forces, who are casted, sponsored and financed by Saudi Arabia on one hand, and armed by Iran through Libya on the other hand; succeeded to assimilate the Brotherhood.. And consequently to condition the decisions of Political and Religious Institutions namely: the Presidency, the Parliament (limited for now only at the level of a Shoura Council), the Security forces, the Magistrate and Al Azhar.
b)      the rest of the Egyptian society components have strangely lined up together and almost became allies: the opposing political parties, the revolutionary forces, the labour unions, the regressive counter revolutionary forces, the bureaucratic lower middle class, the ex administrative and business upper middle class, the laic student movements, the secular scholars, the communists, the Nasserists, the moderates, the hired thugs…etc; all trying to join together their energies in order to confront a common threat: “the establishing of an Islamic Fascist Dictatorship”.
If in the first case the “Islamic Radical Forces” (the Salafists, by means of the muscles of their followers and the substantial financing of their sponsors) used these tactics to tame, contain and convert the Brotherhood into their clones and align it within its political conveniences guidelines.
In the second case it was the hired muscles and heavy finances of the so called “Regressive Counter Revolutionary Forces” that succeeded in exhausting and draining the remaining political and social components of the society, by wrapping them up, penetrating them, absorbing and converting them into silent background figures, just to render the scenery more attractive and to enhance the pressure over the inexperienced Majority. Only in this case the transformation phase didn’t take long.. Not because of the ability of the dominant but for the inapt preparation of the dominated. 
And in the meantime the ‘Military Institution’, Egypt’s last bastion to protect its National Security, and who is closely tied to the Pentagon and CIA; remain on its own sitting patiently on the bench outside the lines waiting for the outcome of the eminent violent confrontations.
All that is happening while our Governing Bodies still insist on not ‘governing’.. They are acting like mendicants at the thresholds of Libya, Qatar and the “International Monetary fund” begging for any loan at any interest rate to postpone an inevitable clamorous declaration of their being “..unreliable to absorb and overcome the growing financial deficit”.. A gentle way to declare the country’s Bankruptcy.
Production and services activities like agriculture, pharmaceutical industries, commerce and tourism are diving nose down into a disastrous failure; unemployment is striking records (±53%); consumption is in continuous default (-32%); food supplies are shortening; oil, gas and water supplies are distributed by the dropper; most ‘Business Operation Capitals’ have already delocalised and soon most private businesses who are still operating in Egypt (medium and small enterprises) will not be able to honour their financial liabilities including bank loans interest instalments, wages and contributions; the ‘State’ itself is already long overdue in meeting its obligations towards all public works contractors. In short: Egyptian Economy is dangerously approaching a Halt.  
Is all that a prelude to the “clear and eminent danger” of a long and bloody ‘Civil War’? It’ll be the joy of Israel and friends.. To finally see Egypt divided into many conflicting religious, sectarian or ethnic realities, each claiming autonomy; and all are desperately Poor.
Meaning that the 1970s plan for the Middle East as designed by Mr. H. Kissinger, and revised in 2005 by Ms. C. Rice for a “New Middle East”*; is strongly returning in vigor for implementation.. And we, for generations yet to come, will find ourselves obliged to foot the bill.
Pass On The Word.
*To know more revert to my article dated September 21st 2012 and entitled “What’s The Plan?”. You can reach it by a click on my blog’s link:’s-the-plan-?/

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