By: Ahmed ELNAHAS – Castelfiorentino, April 5th 2013.
Last month in Egypt in an attempt to drive away the doubts of its ‘Radical’ allies (at home and abroad), the Muslim Brotherhood government, besides also nominated by a Muslim Brotherhood President, announced its intention to progressively abolish the sale of alcoholic products starting by the suburbs and rural areas around the country, by means of a simple measure: not renewing the liquor sales licences on the national level; further on later in a future phase, to abolish the sales of liquors at the Duty Free Shops and the Duty Free Zones!
On the other hand, in an appalling contrast the naïve government came out with the desperate and most ingenuous solution, in view of its severe cash flow shortage: to increase the taxations over liquors, beer and wine!
Following the same logic, if logic is the case; should we expect more similar measures in the name of “Commanding the Good and Prohibiting the Evil” ?
If so what could be the next move? To abolish swine breeding and sale? Or to deny the swine meat imports? Perhaps the ‘Salafists’ would insist on executing punishments like “Stoning” or “Whipping” for those ‘infidels’ who sell, transport, serve, or consume alcoholic drinks? How about the swine case? Would it face the same destiny? And what about the Christians, the Copts and their needs? And the Gambling Casinos?
Between the twenties and the thirties of last century, the “Prohibition Act” in the USA produced the likes of Al Capone! Unscrupulous men willing to overturn any law for the gain. And of that breed Mubarak’s Egypt have produced thousands.. Men, and women, who for the time being are living in a very low profile just like sleepers waiting for the right opportunity to make a move.
In a country like Egypt the repercussions of such repressive acts, especially in times of open markets and globalised trade, would be disastrous socially and even politically, not to mention economically in view of its direct hit to the heart of an already lame ‘Tourism Industry’.
The worst is already profiling its shadows in the horizon.. Making advantage of the intentional vague wording of Article #81 in the “New Constitution”, accomplice with the absence of any related measures of control or regulations for liabilities, both of which would allow its abusive implementation.. Remember that this article recognises the “…obligation of all Islamic Associations operating over the Egyptian territory to guarantee, alongside the ‘State’, the proper observation of Islamic Ethics and Traditions” !!??!!
Nazi Patrols started that way, and see what came out of it.. Taliban did the same and look to what end it drove the entire region.
The flagrant paradox is that the main sponsors of the Muslim Brotherhood in the Middle East are two opposite extremes: a conservative Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and a liberal Principality of Qatar! Both, accidently, are closely tied to the USA!
I wonder to which of the two would the balance marker point its index.. To the highest bidder?
Egypt.. Look what we’ve done to you.. How sadly pathetic you’ve become.
Pass On The Word.
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