The dawn must come.

The dawn must come.

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Women, Children, and Innocent Citizens.

By: Ahmed M. ELNAHAS – Montopoli, October 15th 2012.
What is really occurring with regard to the Syrian issue lately?.. Apparently the Regular Armed Forces are engaged in a daily urban guerrilla warfare with the self proclaimed “Free Syrian Army” (while some call them Freedom Fighters, others name them Terrorists), thus characterising this conflict as a plain and simple Civil War.. A term that no one will publicly admit its veracity or even pronounce, despite the fact that it has claimed over 30000 lives so far, a count out of which only 1246 are official military soldiers or para-military fighters, so you may take a wild guess to find out who the remaining 28754 could be.
Even though the body count is blatantly continuously revised  and updated every hour on international TV nets and on the web, a careful observer can ascertain the untold story that is being written behind the scenes. I will synthesise my views in the following lines.. As I recall some passages from my previous article entitled “CWIII – Part 2” and posted on my blog on July 17th 2012, I bid you to bear with me.
1.      The Security Council keeps failing to phrase any resolution to ease the grievances and sufferings of a helpless population, cornered between:
Ø the Russian tactics to ignite the 4th Cold War to maintain its arms sales positioning in the upper scale of the global market charts, and to keep very high the prices of its strategic exports (oil, natural gas and wheat).
Ø the Chinese hopes to conquer a new foothold close enough to the west in order to dictate its economic growth agenda on Europe, the Mediterranean basin and deep in North and Central Africa, and
Ø the American bullying over the General Assembly members (rest of the world), supported by its allies (subordinate subjects) and of course Israel; to dictate its political and economic agenda cost what it’ll cost in order to secure its complete hegemony over the regional resources as to be able to counter the Russian/Chinese tactics and hopes.
2.      The Arab League once more presented an indisputable proof of its uselessness in applying any of its charter terms.. It represents no longer the temple of Arab Unity that was the core objective set by our founding fathers.. Instead it became a living monument for the loss of Arab identity, and as such it commemorates a surgically dissected Arab World converting it into a permanent play ground for the New Empire and its flattering fawns.
3.      Now Turkey, in its quality as a permanent member of NATO and an aspiring candidate to a full active membership in the European Union, is willingly playing the role needed for that candidacy on one hand; but on the other it is protecting its future plans in case Europe will turn the other way (being a Moslem Country), so it flirts with the Arab World by supporting the Syrian Revolution (same as it did with Libya) and hosting the greater part of the Syrian refugees.. But Turkey is mainly protecting its regional interests aiming at obstructing any deal to establish a United Kurdistan state on a chunk of Anatolia as part of a bigger plan to redesign the Middle East’s map to become what is now known as the “New Middle East”. (to know more allow me to refer you to my post “What’s The Plan?” dated September 21st 2012).
4.      And Iran? Being for a long time under an economic embargo and international isolation is suffering from a growing restless unease among its population; thus needs to keep betting on the “Resistance”! Using Hezb’Allah in south Lebanon as its sharp end near the enemy, and the Syrian Régime as a vehicle for arming the resistance but also as a distribution channel of its strategic exports. So by labelling Syria as the only remaining fortress for “Resisting the Zionist Occupation”, Iran would keep its economic lungs breathing.. However that is also one side of the coin.. The other side is that Iran keep rising the bet in order to extort out of the Western Alliance an easing grip on its earnings and accounts in exchange for a “…more appropriate handling to the Syrian issue”!
So everybody is enjoying playing his game and making his calculations, including us writing and analysing just to convince ourselves of doing something as to clear our conscience from the bitter truth of our passive participation in that pagan feast; while innocent victims keep falling in the streets of Syrian cities and villages.. As if this pagan “Blood Sacrifice Ritual” is still unsatisfying the New World Order, always thirsty for more “Blood Rivers”.. Better it be the blood of more Women, more Children and a lot more Innocent Citizens.. Preferably ARABS.
Pass On The World.
PS: As you may have heard, the German Supreme Court dismissed the case for compensating the relatives of almost 700 Italian citizens killed in a horrible NAZI massacre during WWII.. Just because not a single Jew was among the victims I assume!

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