The dawn must come.

The dawn must come.

Saturday, 27 October 2012

Last Call Dr. MORSI!! My open letter to the President.

By: Ahmed ELNAHAS – Pisa, October 26th 2012.
Dr. Morsi,
I am an Egyptian citizen who’s hardly enjoying his retirement, and I have to confess that I was always favouring a republican democracy status of a “Constitutional Parliamentary Republic”, whereby its Executive Authority is headed by a majority holder ‘Prime Minister’, nominated by a ‘President of the Republic’ chosen and elected by the people to perform the duties of the ‘Custodian and Protector of the Constitution’ and works as the ‘Supreme Guarantor’ for enforcing the consistent inter-independence between the institutional authorities: The Legislative, The Executive and the Juridical. A republic where all institutions are being constantly and closely observed by a vigilant and independent free press in every bit of its aspects (televised, aired, written, aerated, published or posted).
And I have always wished that Egypt would one day become the Republic I’ve been longing for..
·         A democratic republic founded upon labour.
·         A republic that recognises and guarantees the inviolable rights of the individual as a single person or as part of social formations.
·         A republic where all citizens enjoy equal social dignity and are equal before the law, without any distinction of sex, race, language, religion, political opinion, or economic and social conditions.
·         A republic that recognises for all citizens their right for work, and promotes all the conditions that are necessary to render effective that right.
·         A republic where all religious confessions are equally free before the law. Where the religious confessions have the right to self organisation as per their own statutes, as long as they do not come in contrast with the juridical order of Egypt.
·         A republic that promotes the development of culture and that of scientific and technological research.
·         A republic that enforces the protection and safeguarding of the nation’s natural, artistic and historic patrimonial heritage.
But as things have materialised otherwise, I consequently obey and yet reserve my citizen’s right to freely express my opinions, my critics and as well to offer my counselling. Therefore, please be patient and bear with me Sir. Because there are three major important topics missing, so far, from your political agenda:
a)      to guarantee a protective support for the fragile civil categories who are the majority of the Egyptian population,
b)      to present the long awaited “Anti-Corruption Bill” to the parliament for public discussing and passing it as an obliging Law, and
c)      to ensure equal citizenship rights to all Egyptians of every colour, faith, sect and ethnic group(s).
Since you are the chief of the ‘Executive Authority’, and as these headings were the fuel by which the January 25th revolution burst its flames; I expected that they would come ‘FIRST’ on top of your “What To Do” priorities planning list.
I don’t want to even think that you have forgotten, or worse that you are overlooking, that over 78% of your Egyptian fellow citizens are already poor and emarginated being categorised as: unprotected workers, individuals fired on the spot, precarious or temporaries and part-timers, even unemployed, ousted, and retired with pension; and that all of them are evenly moaning under the weight of a suffocating “Social Injustice” fathered to a mature system of “Corruption”, and mothered by the incapable “Over-Tax Mill”.. An image of a sick family descending from the spree of a lame and shaky ‘mendicant economy’.. An economy improvised and imposed to revolve around the agonising Day-By-Day survival, like the primitive tribes who were proudly dancing and closely circling around their village’s TOTAM.
It was never that “Strategic Economy Policies” I, same as many other fellow Egyptians, always dreamed about; an economy to target the future prosperity of the nation and secure the welfare of its entire population.. Us.. I mean all of us.
If you really have meant your very short electoral campaign promises, I ask you to tempestuously address:
A.     A complete review and overhaul of the Labour Law(s) to ensure the worker’s dignity and secure his career stability, growth and security; in order to protect a large portion of the nation’s manpower and the future of their families.
B.     An immediate package of scaled ‘Tax Grids’ oriented towards the ‘PAY LESS But PAY ALL’ objective, supported by a ‘firm and vigilant investigation/control organs’ and sever sentences for the “Tax Evasion” and the “False Accounting” (which must become a serious crimes not just simple misdemeanours) ; and to provide incentives for the contributors encouraging them to always require an invoice bill for every single consumption, from the coffee to the plumbing repairs and the paint works; so that everyone pays the “Value Added Tax” knowing that it will never be charged twice, and that those invoice bills and receipts will be accounted for out from the annual “Income Tax” dues.
C.     An “Anti-Corruption Bill”, or should I say ‘PACKAGE’, targeting ‘All Corrupt Attitudes and Behaviours’ in all their aspects; since corruption have become a ‘PHENOMENAL CULTURE’.. A culture that made us see and accept, as the most normal occurrence, the corruptive act produced and consumed every day and everywhere in all levels of the society.
D.     A comprehensive legislative revision for the “Citizenship Criterion Chart” to guarantee the Inclusion of all ‘Egyptian Fractions’ under the protecting and obliging umbrella of the “Civil Connivance Partnership”, where ‘ALL’ stand equal before the law, and ‘ALL’ enjoy the same equal rights and perform the same and equal duties.
E.      A strategic “Progressive Education and Scientific Research Plan” geared towards creating brains, fostering talents and producing technology in compliance with Egypt’s needs, not those of the IMF or any other creditor(s).
F.      A new legislation supporting and protecting the “Freedom of Expression” in all its aspects and by all its means; in order to guarantee the total and complete ‘Transparency’, and acknowledge that ‘OUR RIGHT TO KNOW’ the truthful and impartial news is ‘THE DUTY’ of every journalist in TV, newspapers, books, e-books, blogs…etc. 
You know better than anyone else, Sir, that the Egyptians, all of them and not only the Muslim Brotherhood, rose on January 25th 2011 calling for “Bread, Liberty, Social Justice and Integrity”.. They were longing for a civil governance to clean and clear, but they didn’t want to relive the experiences of any kind or shape of ‘Authoritarian Dictatorship’.
That’s why I call on you to review your priorities and make front to that ‘Clear and Eminent Danger’ which is threatening Egypt.. The danger of a “Sectarian, Cultural, Religious and Ethnic Struggle” which will dismember the nation into fragments through violent confrontations and uncontrollable growing hatred that only God knows for how long such a plague may last. A conflict that will entail not only chaos, but as well it will produce more unemployment, more poverty, more need, much more lack of services, and of course much more paralysing debts.
Address these six topics all the way through, Dr. Morsi,  and only then you will defeat the enemies of the Revolution, you will meet the expectations of the Egyptians, you will wave away the doubt of your administration’s secret deals and you will regain the respect expected for a PRESIDENT.. And of course you know, Sir, that all are to be earned.
Yours Truly,
Ahmed M. ELNAHAS (

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