The dawn must come.

The dawn must come.

Saturday, 20 October 2012

2D better than HD3D!

By: Ahmed M. ELNAHAS – Castelfiorentino, October 20th 2012.
As I read and see the Egyptian media, I can't help but getting confused! When newspapers and TV talk shows, and news insist on reporting the confrontations in the squares and streets of Egypt as the pro-Morsi or the anti-Morsi conflicting fractions, in fact newspapers and TVs are:
a)      dividing the Egyptian public opinion into two unidentified categories,
b)      not specifying exactly which political colour they manifest or which social movement they represent, and
c)      narrowing the vision of Egypt’s political confrontation to relate it to persons not to ideas.
Same as the media have always did in the past under various “Ministers of Culture, Education and Information”.. They insist on flattening our perspectives into a continuous and distorted 2D stills never to be seen clear in HD3D.
Who are the pro- Morsi? And Who are sponsoring the anti-Morsi? The Brotherhood? The Salafists? Al Azhar? Urban citizens? Rural citizens? Businessmen? Industrial Unions? Workers? Farmers? Bedouins? Copts? Nubians? Students? Housewives? Al Foloul? CIA? MOSSAD? UE? KSA? UAE? IRI?
Our media is conveying the most unrealistic image of Egypt’s experience.. Forgetting, or maybe not, that it suits no one but our DEBITORS.
Pass On The Word.   

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