The dawn must come.

The dawn must come.

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Parasitic Party.

By: Ahmed ELNAHAS – Montopoli, October 16th 2012.
Paolo Flores D’Arcais’s article published on this morning’s issue of “Il Fatto Quotidiano” entitled “Some proposals against the rot”. An article which, in my opinion, not only suits the ordinary Italian silent opposition, but as well fits perfectly our situation in today’s post-Mubarak Egypt.
Mr. Arcais is engaged in a continuous and restless battle to awaken the dormant power of the people, the ordinary people; those who fight daily to provide a meal for their children and secure a way for their families to survive tomorrow.. Those who have come to live day by day risking to lose everything anytime, and those who have nothing left to lose.. those who despite all odds continue to live respecting the law even though the law is not protecting them, because for a long time the law was concerned only with shielding the deeds and haves of the wealthy and powerful, of the lobbies, of the friends , and friends of friends.
He is engaged in a continuous fight against the root causes, not just the symptoms, of a chronic social pathology named ‘INDIFFERENCE’. A disease resulting from stagnant politic.. The one monopolized for a long period of time by a given political Élite which make its own laws and thus become above all laws, driving the ordinary citizen to a depressive state of impotence leaving him completely powerless and helpless, so that by the end he just accept the “Wrong” as “Normal” and find ways to passively outlive it or even worse to live by it.   
To this segment of the civilian population Mr. Arcais is saying:
“…we are now divided among three parties, the ‘Legality’ party, the ‘Impunity’ party and the ‘Parasitic’ party; and the latter is the decisive one because it justifies, if not defends, and sells the easy life of the corrupt thieves and criminals in and out of the ruling Élite circles, to the extent of sliding the ‘Moderate Conscience’ into the bargain.
To place persons and attitudes into each of these parties is within the reach of every voter. For instance a Parliament which passes an anti-corruption bill to ease the life for politicians accused of committing crimes like extortion, appropriating of public funds or office abuse, certainly is not to enrol in the party of legality.
I believe that the party of legality is still representing a crushing majority in the country. But if it will remain impotent while that of ‘Impunity’ continues to boss about; the temptation to become part of it will infect more strongly (and horizontally.. nota*) the population, driving them to gain some crumbs from the corruption cake, and to qualify as stupid whomever abides by the law and respect it.
The impotence of the ‘Party Of Legality’ is not a fatality, as lot of citizens now-a-day may think.. We Can Re-Act.. Through mobilisation and institutional initiatives, using the web in synergy, using the square and all the procedures offered (and guaranteed.. nota*) by the constitution.
Let us imagine for example how we can elaborate, and diffuse through internet, a package of ‘Proposal Of Law’ that truly hits harder the rot of the Élite, its business and/or criminal interlaces, and its privileges. To launch, nationwide, a campaign for collecting 50 thousand signatures by which the Parliament will be obliged to examine and vote, making of it the test bench for all the forces that will be presented at the ballot box.
A package that foresees the introduction of offence like ‘Obstructing Justice’ with severe sentences, the abrogation of all the ‘Tailored To Person’ laws and to the shorter prescription times in relation to trial proceedings. A package that restores  the crime of false accounts, the halt to ‘Consultancies’, the limit of two mandates, the non- candidacy after a first grade conviction, the handcuffs for the Tax Evaders, the transparency with publication on the web of all public acts and of the earnings and properties of public officials… etc!
Let us Imagine. It’s feasible. Let’s start?”
Here ends the article of Mr. Arcais. And I say if this is the case of a proven western model of democracy, shouldn’t it become a message to those who are waking up every morning hoping that things would change, or that someone would come and change things.. Well my friends, nothing will change and no one will come to change a bit unless WE will roll up our sleeves and start moving things.. By, with and for the law.
Pass On The Word.

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