All the signs flashing onto the horizon are strongly representing the prelude to an eminent “Implosion of the system”. The repeated world economic failures and financial crisis trailed by the new winds which are now blowing over the Middle East and the Mediterranean basin area, and that soon will reach other parts of the third world; all strongly suggest that most probably the system now holding the reins of the entire planet earth (and most probably even beyond), and which is falsely named “New World Order”, the American version of “Novus Ordo Seclorum”(*), is destined to implode, though not before inflicting sever damage and spreading cruel agony.
Can we do anything about it?
Should we save the system from imploding?
Shall we stand by and watch the scene sneering in satisfied contentment?
Or will each seek his own solutions according to his own set of priorities?
Frankly, there is no “good answer” for any of these rightfully asked questions. There can be only a “Good Will” of each part of this complicated equation to come together truly united, by their human common roots, hopes and fears; seeking a way out with the least possible damage, to share a common future. But history and experience tell another story: the egoism and arrogance of the human race forbids the strong to share and tolerate the weak, and denies the poorer the same equal rights celebrated by the rich.
As you may know, all “Think Tanks” counselling every serious government, have already started elaborating arguments endorsed by endless spread sheets of statistics and polls in order to review all possible options and re-design the probable solutions to prevent the total collapse of the system, or at least to save the savable.
I will not pretend that I know or that I have a solution, because I don’t know and I don’t have one nicely wrapped on the shelf ready for use. I can only jump into the mix and think out loud, and my concern here would be focusing on my country’s future:
Ø When the system implodes, what should Egypt do?
Ø What can, and must, the Egyptians do?
That is going to be the defiant challenge which I invite you all to think about, to study and to come up with new practical solutions. To facilitate the task, I sincerely suggest that you consult the “ZEITGEIST” and “The Venus Project” web-sites.
But meanwhile, continue to read my blog and Pass On The Word.
(*): This Latin motto at first was used by the Roman poet Virgil in honor of Caesar Augustus. The coming of the Son of God meant a new age in which there would be no guilt, terror, or injustice. The slogan was used then by the Free Masons to indicate the goal of their ‘fraternity’: One World Government! Same target designed in “The Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion”. Ever since the US.$ Dollar bill has been designed that symbolic motto always logoed its print.
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