The dawn must come.

The dawn must come.

Thursday, 22 September 2011

History is not a TV Show!

Why have we let our fate become dictated by means of Media, especially TV, and unanimously nominating it the sole devoted tutor and the only trusted teacher?
Why have we abandoned, for good, the God granted gift: the perfect engine called “Brain”?
Why are we allowing TV half measures and trivial notions to run our daily life and decide for us who is a friend and who’s the enemy?
I have always sustained that history should be a reliable source supplying us with clear and clean education, be a beacon signals leading us to safe shores and the everlasting inspiration for our creativity to design new patterns for growth and evolution.
We keep saying that history continues to repeat itself, but we don’t go any farther to know that though apparently every repeated event seem different, its fundamental facts remain identical. Facts that keep recurring to show us how ignorant and arrogant we are, for not being able to entrust them the reins for our secure guidance.
Fundamental facts like: the several bright occasions, when the “Arab Nation” was at the helm of its globally respected power, shone whenever Egypt and Syria were successfully joint together by common goals and moved alongside each other under the same banner. (Except for the 1958 political fiasco).
Fundamental facts like: The “Islamic Nation” was strong, to confront all the menacing dangers, from the Barbaric Mongol Empire ferocious attacks coming from the east to those of the Crusades from the west, only when Turkey and Iran were an undisputed integral component of the Nation.
Fundamental facts like: Egypt was never completely independent and prosperous except for the few moments when it maintained strong ties with its River Nile Basin partners. Just consider the Ancient Egyptian civilised state, Egypt of the Pharaohs, with its glamorous commercial trade expeditions that most kings and queens were keen to weave and maintain strongly binding together the entire area of the basin by common interests. They were wiser at the time, and more vigilant, even to go farther south and west, all for a single reason: “The Safeguarding of its National Security Strategic Frontiers solely on the basis of respectfully negotiated common interests”.
If you want I can mention hundreds of “Fundamental Facts” that history is freely offering only to those who are modestly wise enough to see, listen, learn and understand. But not us! For we are too busy dividing our unities and weakening our strengths. And mostly not our self-appointed rulers, well trained only to obey the calling voices of their masters: “Wealth and Power”.
Even though I will not despair or abandon my calling on the “Wise Intellectuals” from all corners of our Nation to: “teach your people those fundamental facts of history, to demolish the imposed unsafe and shaky political structure that produced nothing but a long trail of failures and defeats; then we shall be able to lay the solid cultural foundations upon which to finally start structuring the ‘Unified Sovereign Nation’ celebrating diversity, accepting the differences, and embracing democracy.”
Let us welcome the Turkish “Rapprochements” with open minds and arms, because today’s Turkey is not the “Reincarnation” of a long gone Ottoman Empire coming back claiming a “Caliphate.
Today’s Turkey is an economic, political, industrial and military modern power that needs our support, and markets, to further strengthen its potentials for adequately confronting the rejection of an alarmingly “Conservative”, not to say Xenophobic”, European Christian extreme right; as much as we, all, need Turkey’s alliance and support to build together “THE” alternative strategic “Common Front”. As such today’s Turkey should be looked at as our northern “Shield” protecting our joint economies, and defending our equal strategic needs like water, for example, from the international speculative manoeuvres, and not consider it a broker’s “Yield” offering us as a bribe to the West for a back raw seat in a feeble Europe’s theatre.
Let us also sincerely welcome the positive, and peaceful, signs flagged high from the eastern shores of the “Arabian Gulf”. Because today’s Iran is definitely not the “Renaissance” of that pagan “Persian Empire” coming back to manipulate and enslave the Arabian desert tribes.
Today’s Iran is an economic asset to the entire Nation, for as much as it needs our alliance and support to face an enemy that now is residing next door, (a hostile Israel’s MOSSAD and its ‘paravent’ companies are now based to its west in a divided Iraq under the ‘Stars & Stripes’ banner, and another hostile armed forces are permanently implanted to its east in an occupied Afghanistan); hence we are in desperate need for Iran’s natural resources and military muscles as another strong “Shield” protecting our “Strategic National Security” to farther on our safe eastern borders.
Since we have already tried and experienced rulers, weak in character as in culture, who have been bribed, by some hollow guarantees for protection generously disbursed  along with some fat cheques, to grant our destinies and resources to the satisfaction of an ever unsatisfied greedy “West”; then our reasonable preventive and defensive tactics should be the immediate lining together with today’s Turkey and today’s Iran, to have a say in very urgent matters that require quick reactions.
Matters like the Palestinian state, the 1967 borders, the Golan Heights, the refugees, Jerusalem, the support and sustain of Arab Revolutions, the ongoing systematic dismantling into small pieces of sovereign states in the region (a look at the ‘Condoleezza Rice Map’ for the “New Middle East” will tell the whole story), and of course the accelerating speed of the war machine towards an eminent open conflict over “Water Control”, that I see its signals flashing along the horizon as a prelude to an inevitable long and fierce struggle overwhelming the entire region.
 I am calling on our “Wise Intellectuals” to raise the alarm and preach for uniting the aims and efforts “NOW”. Further delays are lethal, and would cause tremendous negative repercussions echoes of which will keep hollering for a very long time.
Delay will obviously cause the loss of Yemen and its strategic position, and resources, as we already have lost the rich Gulf States. Even though for some other paltry excuses.  
Delays will definitely cause the ripping off of another part of the Nation: “Sudan”, after its South now comes the turn of its Western regions, all just because we didn’t reach out in time to assist its population to loosen themselves, and their country, free from the strong hold of a bloody tyranny, thus allowing the West to butcher it into pieces.
I am afraid that same fate might await Libya just around the next corner. The Iraq experience suggests that the western allies, in their greedy assault on the Libyan Oil, being their only guarantee to settle the bill; will ignite the tribal rivalry which may result in dividing a vast country into three divisions: the eastern, the western and the southern. Hope I am wrong. Because if such a plan materialises, Egypt will suffocate for a period.
As I was saying, delays caused earlier the loss and dismantling of Iraq’s strength and unity, once we did not react as one to defy the greed of a dictator, preferring the surrender to the greed of an invader.
 It is time to realise that we are strong together, and we should act accordingly.
That is why I welcome Turkey’s “Rapprochements” and Iran’s “Peaceful Sign Flags”.

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