The dawn must come.

The dawn must come.

Saturday, 3 September 2011


A Canadian nurse, Rene Caisse, during the twenties of last century came by chance to know a old native herbal mixture, later named Essiac, particularly efficient in healing tumors.
She started testing it over terminally ill patients, and others rejected by the official medical system because: “ this time the case is incurable. Nurse Caisse achieved brilliant results using that “Natural Remedy”.
It wasn’t for long before the same medico-political system started its counter offensive by continuously mediating provocations and building obstacles in her work course to force her looking for various expedients to endorse and sponsor her studies and researches, and continue her beneficent deeds.
Rene Caisse left behind her for the entire humanity the most remarkable scientific heritage, in relation to her method of therapy combining scientific studies, documentation of her field experiments in various Canadian and American hospitals proving without the shred of any doubt Ms. Caisse success, along with the extremely particular description of all the herbs used in the Essiac mixture, accompanied by each herb’s detailed characteristics, therapeutic action, quality and applications.
Nevertheless, almost the entire scientific community denied her a due honourable recognition and merits. Except for a handful of doctors (eight in the entire world) who followed her steps and, meticulously, are refining her “Cancer Healing Method”.
In her diary, Ms. Caisse says:
“For eight years of running a public Cancer Healing Clinic at Bracebridge, Ontario, I wasn’t arrested because:
Ø  I achieved good results in the research over animals. My treatment over rats resulted in tumor growth regression and longevity.
Ø  I achieved the same results over human beings, following the treatment with the permission and supervision of doctors.
Ø  I proved, through analytical and radioscopic evidences and proofs, the results obtained where all the time’s medical and scientific knowledge and practices have failed.
Ø  And because 55000 individuals have signed a petition for the Legislative Assembly of the Government of Ontario in favour of my Cancer Treatment. 387 patients and a lot of doctors signed the petition which have been presented before a legislative committee of 59 members of the Parliament. I lost for 3 votes. I lost because the medical lobby have convinced the committee of their will to nominate a ‘Cancer Commission’ to review my case in order to give my method a ‘Fair’ hearing session. It turned out to be totally unfair..”!
If you reached that far in the article, then you are interested, and if you want to further on the argument, I suggest that you look for Ms. Caisse autobiography and bibliography, because my interest in her story folds on a scientific paradox hypocrisy that I can synthesise in two questions:
1.      If the scientific community along with its related worldwide societies, fraternities and sects; agreed to honour women like Mme. Curie, for her researches and discoveries on radiation and Uranium; or Dr. Margherita Haack for her astrological discoveries, as well as hundreds of other brave ladies whose contributions enriched science and evolved human knowledge, then shouldn’t Rene Caisse deserve a front line spot in our civilised world’s scientific and medical memory?
2.      A proven cure for the Cancer plague, doesn’t deserve protection, support, finance and sustain?
The only plausible explanation I can think of, is that they don’t want us healthy! The infinity of cancerogen products invading our life every day, on TV screens and on the market stores and supermarkets shelves, “must” be sold and we “must” buy them, and continue to buy them. We must consume what will make our health poorer so that Big Pharma remain on top producing its poisons and doctors continue to prescribe them, and so on. THEY continue to make money while we systematically become permanently sick along with our children and their children.
If you get curious enough to ask yourself what is the scientific reason for children to be born with cancer? Well my friend since WE ARE WHAT WE EAT, and if the entire food chain is almost entirely genetically manipulated, thus contaminated; then voilà here is your answer!
I have to stop here before I say what I may regret, however I will continue this series of posts regarding Healthcare in the very near future. Thank you for bearing with me, but continue to follow my thoughts and.. Pass On The Word.

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