We found out in the previous post how sugar excessive intake would lead to sever brain damage and complete loss of system controls eventually causing death. Shipwrecked sailors who ate and drank nothing but sugar and rum for nine days surely went through some of this trauma; the tales they had to tell created a big public relations problem for the sugar pushers.
This incident occurred when a vessel carrying a cargo of sugar was shipwrecked in 1793. The five surviving sailors were finally rescued after being marooned for nine days. They were in a wasted condition due to starvation, having consumed nothing but sugar and rum.
The eminent French physiologist F. Magendie was inspired by that incident to conduct a series of experiments with animals, the results of which he published in 1816. In the experiments, he fed dogs a diet of sugar and water. All the dogs wasted and died.
The shipwrecked sailors and the French physiologist's experimental dogs proved the same point. As a steady diet, sugar is worse than nothing. Plain water can keep you alive for quite some time. Sugar and water can kill you. “Humans and animals are unable to subsist on a diet of sugar”.
The dead dogs in Professor Magendie's laboratory alerted the sugar industry to the hazards of free scientific inquiry. From that day, the sugar industry has invested millions of dollars in behind-the-scenes, subsidized science. The best scientific names that money could buy have been hired, in the hope that they could one day come up with something at least pseudoscientific in the way of glad tidings about sugar.
With intimidating fervour for increasing the market demand for the most important agricultural product of the West Indies, the “Committee of West India” was reduced to a tactic that has served the sugar pushers for almost 200 years: to circulate irrelevant and transparently silly testimonials from faraway, by inaccessible people with some kind of “scientific” credentials, that one early commentator called them “hired consciences”.
While preparing his epochal volume, “A History of Nutrition”, published n 1957, Professor E. V. McCollum of Johns Hopkins University, sometimes called America's foremost nutritionist and certainly a pioneer in the field, reviewed approximately 200,000 published scientific papers, recording experiments with food, their properties, their utilisation and their effects on animals and men.
The material covered the period from the mid-18th century to 1940. From this great repository of scientific inquiry, McCollum selected those experiments which he regarded as significant “to relate the story of progress in discovering human error in this segment of science [of nutrition]”. Professor McCollum failed to record a single controlled scientific experiment with sugar between 1816 and 1940.
Unhappily, we must remind ourselves that scientists today, and always, accomplish little without a sponsor. The protocols of modern science have compounded the costs of scientific inquiry. We shouldn’t then be surprised when we read the introduction to McCollum's A History of Nutrition and find that “The author and publishers are indebted to The Nutrition Foundation, Inc., for a grant provided to meet a portion of the cost of publication of this book”.
What, you might ask, is “The Nutrition Foundation, Inc.”? The author and the publishers don't tell you. It happens to be a front organisation for the leading sugar-pushing conglomerates in the food business, including the American Sugar Refining Company, Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, Curtis Candy Co., General Foods, General Mills, Nestlé Co., Pet Milk Co. and Sunshine Biscuits; about 45 such companies in all.
In the 1930s, a research dentist from Cleveland, Ohio, Dr Weston A. Price, travelled all over the world-from the lands of the Eskimos to the South Sea Islands, from Africa to New Zealand. His “Nutrition and Physical Degeneration: A Comparison of Primitive and Modern Diets and Their Effects”, which is illustrated with hundreds of photographs, was first published in 1939.
Dr Price took the whole world as his laboratory. His devastating conclusion, recorded in horrifying detail in area after area, was simple. People who live under so-called backward primitive conditions had excellent teeth and wonderful general health. They ate natural, unrefined food from their own locale environment. As soon as refined, sugared foods were imported as a result of contact with “civilisation”, physical degeneration began in a way that was definitely observable within a single generation.
Any credibility the sugar pushers have is based on our ignorance of works like that of Dr Price. Sugar manufacturers keep trying, hoping and contributing generous research grants to colleges and universities; but the research laboratories never came up with anything solid the manufacturers, and their pushers, can use. Invariably, the research results are bad news.
“Let us go to the ignorant savage, consider his way of eating and be wise”, Harvard professor Ernest Hooten said in Apes, Men, and Morons. “Let us cease pretending that toothbrushes and toothpaste are any more important than shoe brushes and shoe polish. It is store food that has given us store teeth”.
Today, doctors all over the world are repeating what Tintera announced years ago: “…nobody, but nobody, should ever be allowed to begin what is called ‘psychiatric treatment’, anyplace, anywhere, unless and until they have had a glucose tolerance test to discover if they can handle sugar”.
Preventive Medicine preaching doctors and natural healers go further and suggest that “since we only think we can handle sugar because we initially have strong adrenals, why wait until they give us signs and signals that they're worn out? Take the load off now by eliminating sugar in all forms and guises, starting with that soda pop you have in your hand”.
The mind truly stupefies when one glances over what passes for medical history.
Through the centuries, troubled souls have been barbecued for bewitchment, exorcised for possession, locked up for insanity, tortured for masturbatory madness, psychiatrised for psychosis, lobotomised for schizophrenia.
How many patients would have listened if the local healer had told them that the only thing ailing them was sugar blues?
How about You??
Pass On The Word.
Ø Martin, William Coda, "When is a Food a Food-and When a Poison?", Michigan Organic News, March 1957,
Ø McCollum, Elmer Verner, A History of Nutrition: The Sequence of Ideas in Nutritional Investigation, Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston,1957.
Ø Price, Weston A., Nutrition and Physical Degeneration: A Comparison of Primitive and Modern Diets and Their Effects, The American Academy of Applied Nutrition, California, 1939, 1948.
Ø Shelton, H. M., Food Combining Made Easy, Shelton Health School, Texas, 1951.
Ø Foucault, Michel, Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason, translated by R. Howard, Pantheon, New York,1965.
Ø Pauling, Linus, "Orthomolecular Psychiatry", Science, vol. 160, April 19, 1968.
Ø Szasz, Thomas S., The Manufacture of Madness: A Comparative Study of the Inquisition and the Mental Health Movement, Harper & Row, New York, 1970.
Ø Tintera, John W., Hypoadrenocorticism, Adrenal Metabolic Research Society of the Hypoglycemia Foundation, Inc., Mt Vernon, New York, 1969.
Ø McCollum E.V.,”A History Of Nutrition”, John Hopkins University 1957.
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