The dawn must come.

The dawn must come.

Thursday, 11 September 2014

Mr. President, You didn’t do your Math!

In a most depressive desperate effort to consolidate a Middle-Eastern public opinion in support of his plans to fight ISIL*, Obama made two crucial mistakes:
1)      He tried to press the cultural/religious button using statements like “We don’t have anything against Islam….” or “I understand quit well the teachings of Islam….”; and
2)      he mentioned the Yemen and Somalia examples as “an American success”!
He, and his close advisors, didn’t foresee how mediocre such an approach will sound; because the Arab/Muslim populations (being a majority in the Middle-East) though fearing the spread of a well organised well financed well equipped Islamic State, they have also seen the outcome of all types of western intervention (humanitarian aiding or belligerent gaming, training or invading) from Afghanistan and Pakistan to Iraq and Lebanon… etc.
Obviously Yemen and Somalia aren’t any different. Look what they’ve left behind!
Ahmed ELNAHAS – Castelfiorentino, September 11th 2014.

*Even changing the acronyms from ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and Syria) to ISIL (Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant) is a clear evidence of a total Western under-estimation of the Arab Culture and history; because the term “Levant” was always considered, since the 11th all through the 19th centuries, the only geo-political definition of the “Fertile Crescent” (Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Iraq) commonly known as AsSham. And as such the term brings back alive some very bad memories (The Sykes-Picot accords and the Paris Peace Conference of 1919).

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