The dawn must come.

The dawn must come.

Sunday, 11 November 2012

‘Other-Politic’ vs. Politocracy.

By: Ahmed ELNAHAS – Montopoli, November 11th 2012.
Since a new building cannot be built and solidly stand upon the same old foundations of the demolished one, otherwise it would risk a dramatic collapse at the first soil tremors and eventually would seriously jeopardise valuable human lives and definitely would entail uncontrollable economic damage; then renovating, or should I say completely changing our lazy, fat, corrupt, colluded and incompetent political élite would necessarily require a young new movement of “Other-Politic”, not anti-politic, to make that sharp, swift and radical breach with the old “Mono-Politocracy”*.
And in order to do so, we need to understand, and adhere to, a fundamental necessity without which nothing of our hopes for “Freedom, Bread and Social Justice” could be achieved in any near future; on the contrary, we will be driven further back in time to live in decline and vanish from the evolution charts of humanity.
This most important fundamental necessity is our ‘Unity’ as one healthy body enjoying the same equal sense of citizenship.. Muslim or Copt, Black or White, Lower Egyptian or Upper Egyptian, Nubian or Bedouin, Farmer or Mason, Trader or Industrial, Dealer or Wheeler.. All must come second to our being proudly Egyptian Citizens equally protected by the same Constitution and governed by the same equal laws, enjoying the same rights and responsible for the same duties. Without such solid sense of unity and belonging to one single entity none of us will go further than his house threshold, and we will continue to depend on others instead of ourselves.
This fundamental comes first on top of our list of priorities, because it is the only measure that could allow a charismatic patriotic citizen to freely come forward and lead the way for the reforms required to establish a durable and stable democracy, in a representative constitutional republic.. If we are able to reach together  such an advanced stage of equal identity to form a “United Citizens Front”, regardless of whatever differential pressures that might drive us elsewhere; a common front based on the very simple elements of respect, co-existence, tolerance, comprehension, participation and complicity; then Egypt’s chances to deliver that kind of a leader is favourably more than average.. And to that person I will take the liberty to give the following simple hints:
ü  Smile.. leave the long faces and the menacing dents to remain the symptoms characterising all professional politicians who degraded our country for long into that kind of primitive and controversial savagery.
ü  Force.. The Mitterand type of “Gentle and Tranquil Force”.. A serene, self aware and reassuring force, never to adopt the aggressive, offensive and anguishing tones to express your movement’s force. Otherwise you risk the certainty to create a wall separating you, along with your movement, from potential sympathisers/voters.
ü  Media.. Be understanding to the role of the modern free media (newspapers and TV).. Their duty is to inform, and to do so they must ask questions.. Your duty is to rationally answers them.. And use all possible media mediums to increase your reach, knowing that most of the Egyptian population is poor and deprived from any free access to modern technologies (PC, Internet…etc).. But don’t allow your fellow activists to participate in what I call ‘The Yellow Talk-Shows’ that would ignite any provocation to guarantee their high ratings. Just remember the maximum slogan of Arthur Bloch: “Never argue with an idiot, people may not note the difference”.
ü  Web.. Being an interactive tool of communication, thus it is a fast convincing tool, and as such it must be used to its utmost limits.. Remember that its users, mostly young students and frustrated unemployed still living and/or depending on parents, consist the bulk of vote abstention, yet if convinced will bring along many others.
ü  Program.. Don’t let your movement’s statute program charter be similar to all programs of the failing Politocracies, whether they were the majority or the opposition, that in their most promising versions were just long skinny listings of good intentions, void of valid explanations of the “How” and “What Cost”, lacking important voices like the precise measures needed for the fight against economic criminality, the fight against organized criminality and the fight against corruption all of which are the first cause of the ‘ZERO GROWTH’ of Egypt. And voices like “Justice Reforms” to render it more functional, productive and remunerating.
ü  Candidates.. Young revolutionary figures are important and essential, but are they functional? They will definitely be extremely effective in Parliament, but not in Government.. Bear this in mind when presenting your candidates to your constituents. Obviously a clean clear white record is an imperative.
These are only part of what I can list further in that regard, yet in the end aren’t they exactly what our Prophet taught us and by which He founded the basis of the Nation??!! Anyhow it would be a blessing if we can only reach that far.
Pass On The Word.
*Mono-Politocracy: newly crafted lexicon in political terminology referring to a monopole created by lobbyists beneficiating from political careers and as such creating a closed clan of political élite similar to the medieval feudal aristocracy. 

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