By: Ahmed M. ELNAHAS – Montopoli, October 23rd 2012.
1. The alarming defiant stand of the Taliban in Pakistan regarding women status as a whole, not just her education or her equal civil rights, would bring the “Central Asiatic Region” to burn in the flames of successive Civil Wars and border conflicts, that the irreversible radical religious and sectarian extremism, by now beyond any reason or logic, has lit its fire.. A trend that was patiently cultivated, educated and nourished for a very long time by western interests to serve western objectives.
2. The arrogant tyrannical choice of the Syrian Régime, to subdue the entire Syrian population to his dictate by imposing a bloody Civil War and threatening to expand the confrontation to a regional scale, would increase the possibilities of foreign military intervention(s) to reinstate once more the whole “Arabic Peninsula” as an International Protectorate same as it has been right after WWI of last century..
3. The feverish international endeavour to maintain alive the clinically dead corps of the ‘Peace Talks’ by means of the futile ‘Negotiations Process’, and which was put in act since the seventies of last century though knowing that:
a) it has nothing to do with peace,
b) it allows Israel to, constantly and systematically, swallow bit by bit valuable pieces of the Palestinian lands one inch at the time and on daily basis,
c) it is used to make Israel economically the most dominant and militarily the most powerful in the Middle East, and
d) it decrees the permanent division of the Arab Nation into fragments of parasites surviving on the crumbs and leftovers from the colourful banquets of the “Civilised Industrial Powers”..
That feverish endeavour have no other scope except liquidating, or should I say obliterating, the “Palestinian Cause” once and for all in a ‘Lump Sum take it or leave it’ package deal..
These are only few of many symptoms that, willing or not, will funnel all the Middle East states straight into the giant vortex namely “The Plan To Redesign The Middle East”*.. The one that is the object dream of Israel and its sponsor and mentor the United States (aka “The American Empire”).. A dream that fits perfectly in their greater goal by now known as “One World Government”.. A theory raised as a ‘what if’ exercise since the late 19th century, and shortly after translated into an elaborated ‘strategic political project’ endorsed by a detailed ‘tactical plan of actions’; phases of which cannot escape an attentive observer’s eyes.
Pass On The Word.
*For more please refer to my article entitled ‘What’s the plan?’ Posted last September 2012
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