By: Ahmed M. EL NAHAS – Castelfiorentino, December 13th 2011.
The “Seizure” of all in/out-bound possessions of the ex gang, and those of their families as well as of their lease-names, in order to be “Expropriated to Public Use of the sovereign people of the Egyptian Democratic Republic”, came as the most relieving news I had seen in my entire life.
Characters like Nazif, Ezz, Ghali, El Maghraby, Sorur, Azmy… etc, and all the well identified figures topped with the Mubarak family and their close friends and sponsors, all those before them from the early days of the 1952 coup, who “Profiteered” from their position or relation close to the “Élite”, finally had been submitted to “Justice”. I saw it simply as an act of “recognition” and “re-instating” of the people’s right to trust, and therefore entrust, the system for the protection of the nation’s resources.
Remember Dr. Youssef Wali, the ex Minister of Agriculture who poisoned our lands and food with out-dated fertilizers and pesticides monopolizing their imports to his relatives firms? At last he will pay for what he committed? Two generations, and their descendants after them, became semi sterile, terminally sick with various cancers, kidney failure, chronic asthma, pulmonary fungus … and an entire pack of diseases caused by that severely infectious “Food Cycle Pollution”. But Wali is not alone!
The Ex-Ministers of Industry, the Ministers of Health with their corrupt laboratories, the Ministers of Foreign Trade who repeatedly closed an eye on imports of millions of tons of “Unsuitable for human use” food, the Ministers of Economy whose incompetence led them to accept the arbitrary terms and conditions dictated by foreign financial institutions thus destroying our economy, and the Ministers of Education, Social Welfare, Scientific Research, Defence & Military Industries, Interior; all of those who sat on these chairs and held these portfolios are now facing their judges.
Also the “Honourable Members” of the phantom parliament, the “Respectable” religious institutions symbols and leaders, the so-called “Political Parties”, the public servants in Regional Administration, Syndicates, Labour Unions, and Banks; are all awaiting in line for their turn to stand in front of the law and take the responsibilities of their acts.
Weren’t they all accomplice of the continuous and ongoing criminal “LOOTING” of the Egyptian People Heritage of National Resources and Culture? At last they will pay for their crimes.
“Ahmed.. Ahmed.. Ahmed, Are you all right? Where have you gone?”
That was my wife’s voice calling after seeing me immobile and staring through my computer screen..
I was Day-Dreaming.. What a pity!
Anyhow a question still remains: “Who will call them for trial?”
Pass On The Word.
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