By: Ahmed M. EL NAHAS – Montopoli November 3rd 2011.
Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge, by definition, has its limits and cannot override them, while imagination is able to embrace the entire universe.
Albert Einstein.
This quote flashed through my thoughts, like a clear strike of lightning, while watching on History Channel a documentary about the relation between ancient civilizations and unresolved mysteries and unexplained enigmas. The documentary was very interesting, exhaustive and well conceived; but it couldn’t wipe out a shower of unanswered questions that kept shelling my brain like a meteorite storm animating the star-lit sky of a mid-summer night, in a frenetic continuous pounding just like fireworks of the 14th of July over the “Champs-Elysés” in Paris.
It is all about certain pieces of information which passed as “news” flashing from press agencies and newspapers, along with few ascertained “notions”; both combined together have become that insoluble thick “Enigma” I couldn’t slide down my throat. When the observing reader will join together these news to those notions, he would find himself in the very same dazzling situation as myself.
First the news:
Ø El Baradei faced bureaucratic and customs harassments in Cairo Int’l Airport upon his return last August.
Ø The armed forces Chief of Staff had to conclude his 7 days official visit to the United States, and return immediately after the burst of the January 25th urban unrests (later on leading to the revolution).
Ø Mubarak and the arrested ministers, only accused of appropriation, embezzlement, office abuse and corruption, face trial in front of “Tribunals” (first grade in civil trials) according to the “Penal Code”.
Ø The arrested demonstrators face “Extraordinary Trials” in front of “Martial Courts” and according to “Emergency law” for terrorist acts against the nation.
Ø Israel escalates its threats to attack Iran.
Ø El Ganzoury has been assigned by SCAF to form a “Government for National Rescue”.
Ø The monetary transfers of expatriate Egyptians have shrunk to less than a third.
Ø The USA and Israel continue to maintain a very low profile status while commenting on the Egyptian revolution.
Ø Field Marshall TANTAWY assumes the portfolio of the “Ministry of Defense” in the Ganzoury government, beside being president of the SCAF.
Ø Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafits earn the lion’s share of the new parliament seats (+60%).
Ø EU, USA and Israel urge Egypt to soften its grip over “minorities”.
Ø The guarding forces over the “in custody” Mubarak have been reduced, and he’s no longer in the hospital!!??!!
Ø The pre-set timetable for the Parliamentary and Presidential elections must be respected to the letter at any cost.
Now the notions:
· Official censorship keep obscuring any press coverage on the ex-régime trials.
· No news about the appointed special committees assigned (by SCAF) to investigate and confiscate the treasures of Mubarak, his family, and all the others in bounds and internationally.
· While all European countries, in their struggle against money laundering, adopt restraining regulations for money exportation to less than 10,000.-US$, the Central Bank latest issue is a circular order allowing anyone to transfer not more than 100,000.-US$ at the time!
· Tax Evasion is alarmingly jeopardising Egypt’s national economy.
· Egyptian rich families plan to flee the country.
· Dr. EL AWWA changed his stand after a flash encounter with TANTAWY.
· Egyptian Supreme Court rules and regulates the voting right for the Egyptians living abroad.
· SCAF and EL GANZOURY did not present for the people’s approval any kind of “National Plan for Recovery”.
Well, I tried all the possible combinations to mate news to notions, and all my trials went in the same direction and brought me to the same conclusions:
ü SCAF seized power after a green light from USA/Israel, based upon a tactical plan with a precise time table.
ü Muslim Brotherhood special agenda was negotiated and updated, in accordance with Israeli and American programmes set for the region, as long as it remain inconsistent and in constantly maintained conflict with the Salafits’ special political agenda. This will result useful for “Foreign Interests” when the time comes and the “circumstances” will necessitate some kind of “International Coalition’s Swift Humanitarian Intervention”.
ü There must be some kind of an understanding or shall we say a new “Entente Cordiale” between “Foreign Powers”, SCAF and the “Brotherhood”. Otherwise why the Brotherhood only now is rising the liberator banners and taking the lead, in spite of its long deluding history of compliance and defeats which never took an opposition status or an openly defying stand to any government throughout several generations.
ü Absolutely no one, including the Brotherhood and the Salafits, did even express the least discontent to the “colourful” conflict of interests covering TANTAWY being at the same time the actual “Military Governor” of the lands and the hands, by transitional “Martial Laws”, and whom is entitled to nominate cabinets, yet takes the Defense portfolio by interim, thus establishing another “Military Dictatorship” blessed by ALL political fractions!!!!
ü Financial pressures will remain deliberately tight over Egypt’s economy to diminish its negotiating edges, with international financial institutes economically, and with USA, Israel and Europe politically.
ü Financial Markets will keep speculating on Egyptian bonds to maintain the interest rates dangerously high, and the consequent inflation crippling any reform.
ü Mubarak will not be sentenced as he should be, and not for the real crimes(*) that were deliberately ignored in his arrest warrant.
The above coincide perfectly with the outcome of the “Contingency Planning Memorandum No.4” prepared, two years ago in mid 2009, by the most powerful American Organisation: the “Council on Foreign Relations, Center for Preventive Action”, whereby in the conclusion of its recommendations it states:
“There are a variety of scenarios emerging from Egypt’s present political, economic, and social environment that could result in acute instability or even decomposition of the regime. Moreover, it is important to note that far fewer observers are confident that Egypt will remain stable over a longer time horizon. Climate change, demographic shifts, global energy needs, and changes in the international system over a five-to-ten-year time frame pose novel and extraordinarily complex challenges that the Egyptian government is decidedly ill-equipped to manage”.
It seem as if what is going on is interpreting well enough that prophecy. Is it a prophecy? Or is it a continuous carrying on of a plan?
The obvious and logic question would be: “No matter what it is, whether a prophecy or a plan, what are we supposed to do about it so that ‘they’ wouldn’t succeed in their aim to liquidate and vaporise the revolution, depriving it from every particle of energy needed to maintain its driving thrust?”.
That is what I will try to synthesise in a coming post (Insha’Allah).. So, if you are still interested, please remain logged in and…
…Pass On The Word.
(*)Here are some of the crimes that should have been included in his arrest warrant:
1. While Deputy to Sadat, in accordance with the CIA and the MOSSAD smuggled arms to Afghanistan through a special company formed in association with his brother in law Mounir Thabet and with his colleague Hussein Salem.
2. The total and complete betrayal to the presidential office oath he pronounced five times: didn’t uphold the republican system, didn’t respect the constitution and the law, ignored the interests of the people in full and did not safeguard the independence and the territorial integrity of the homeland.
3. Profiteering and Office abuse in obvious Conflict of interest, against the vital interests of the nation.
4. Receiving unlawfully money for the repurchase of the sovereign debts.
5. Receiving bribes for national/international deals and contracts (industrial, military, energy…etc).
6. Knowing and ordering acts of torture against Egyptian citizens in flagrant violation of the law.
7. Accepting the USA/Israeli recommendation to build the IRON WALL on the Gaza front line, and financed it from the Egyptian treasury and without notifying the parliament.
8. Knowing the eminent Israeli attack on Southern Lebanon to liquidate the resistance and did not warn Hezb’Allah.
9. Signing for loans from IMF against the national interests and with no urgent necessity. (The case of Toshky for instance).
10. Mismanaging the national resources against bribes to his family members and friends.
11. Legalising corruption.
12. Orchestrating the terrible police state machine.
13. Using censorship and intimidation to control any opposition.
14. Allowing foreign intelligence agencies to operate inside the territory in service of other nations violating international laws (the black flights of the CIA/FBI from Guantanamo).
15. Ordering the direct apprehension of Egyptian citizens living abroad through foreign agencies (FBI abducted Abu Omar from his house in Italy and brought him in Egyptian custody).
16. Giving the “Shoot to kill” order to his Minister of interior causing the January 28th massacre.
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