I will never get tired repeating my heartiest cry for you to rise and save the revolution. Save it from the jackals encircling it in a that particular sad moment of weakness and division, and patiently awaiting in vicious eagerness the right instant to perform their final assault on its throat and celebrate its death, drunk with its blood.
I have been calling, since February 2011 through e-mails and on my blog, upon the Revolutionary and Social Movements to stand up and unite their forces and resources together forming the necessary solid front, desperately needed in such critical times, to actively oppose the well organized, well financed and well equipped reactionary forces. Not forgetting that the meaningful external powers will support who will remain standing straight in the end when the dust settles. They will never support the weak or the loser. This is rule number one.
Having united the scattered forces and imposed your non negotiable demands, don’t concede to barter, intimidation and blackmail like the professional political parties who repeatedly proven their failures over long decades. Create the alternative and impose it with all necessary means. Total cleaning, and cleansing, is a must to make a revolution worthy and successful. So you need to change entirely the regulations of the game before starting a whole new one. You can’t start a new game having the same old players and referees who were used to change the rules while the game is on. So, impose your Unified Revolutionary Committee assigned to call for a nation wide signatures collection campaign – from every street in every city to every pass in every village - to be presented to the Constitutional Supreme Court in order to call for a public referendum to assign a people’s nominated committee the task of elaborating new electoral laws, and write down a whole new republican constitution, before any elections could be carried out whether administrative or presidential. That is rule number two.
Caring only for their closest interests, the foreign powers will endorse the one with a practical and feasible ready packed programme, well digested by international media and organisations, and elaborating balanced mutual interests. And this means they will not be talking with thirty delegates, each claiming to be the sole representative of the Egyptian People, each with his list of demands and ambitions. They will reason with who proves holding a firm control over the bulk of the revolutionary forces and effective social movements, and as well maintains strong ties with regional and international strategic allies, and I mean Turkey, Iran, South Africa, China, India and Russia. One head with one dialect. Otherwise they will empower and place their own candidate as they did in Iraq, Afghanistan, Latin America, Pakistan before that, and lots of other places. And this is rule number three.
Don’t ever forget that foreign intelligence agencies are not standing by watching the play, they are actually directing it. So don’t allow them that, and use the same means of mass communications to make your voice be heard out-loud pronouncing your proper lines as written in your own script. And that is rule number four.
Obviously further delays, exploited by concessions, negotiations, intimidations, sterile dialogues and futile public declarations of vague promises; will eventually lead to more frustration and more divisions dilating anger and igniting violence. And as violence entails more violence, an uncontrollable situation will burst opening the gates wide open for a blunt foreign intervention imposing sanctions and dictating agendas. And that is precisely what the Reactionary Forces, allied with the ex-régime’s icons along with their profiteering supporters, are aiming to achieve for reasons well known even to elementary schools pupils.
So, restore what’s left of dignity, courage and will to get the job done and regain the Nation’s sovereignty. You lived long enough, as lambs, following wrong orders given by inadequate persons in complete submission to injustices. Not knowing why or what for. Don’t you think its time to rise up roaring, as lions, and pay the dear price for your free choices and to establish real democracy? Or you will seek some false sense of security embracing your jail guardians, those jackals, and surrender to a devastating collective Syndrome of Stockholm?
I placed the bet I can afford.. What about you? It’s “Your Call”.
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