The “Indignados” tribes, all over the world, have finally decided to revolt against “Social Injustices” and “Political Incompetence”. Both having been overrun and overruled by a new faith called “Economy” , doctrine of which has been written by the “Global Financial Institution”, its sacred daily rituals are regularly being celebrated in temples known as the “Stock Exchange Markets” and its messages are constantly preached all over the world by its assigned “Shamans” (priests, rabbis and imams) named “Local Retail Banks”.
The new belief’s strength and territorial gains are due, not only to its complete control over natural resources and consequently on human fate itself, but mainly to the complete absence of the conventional faith as a sound and convincing opposition, under the helpless eyes of an accomplice and out of date, though not out of resources, “Religious Institution”.
History taught us that all the “Monotheistic Doctrines” have gone through terrifying and even bloody battles against the dominance of economy: Noah, Akhenaton, Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Jesus and Mohammad, they all took the stand and swore to defeat social injustice and make prevail the values of sharing, tolerance and human brotherhood.
But we were also taught that the story of greed, conquest, power and dominion, all of whom are the main motivators towards possession and more possession, if not possible through equal honest trade barters then it will be through aggression, force and conquer; never seized to claim its rights over the entire earth’s God granted resources and population as the only acceptable sacrifices on its altar. Obviously it couldn’t reach that far without the blessings of the traditional “Religious Institution”, dragging behind it the “Mass” as well as the “System”.
The urging problem that the new faith, “Economy”, must demolish is “Democracy”! Simply because it requires “Equal Chances and Equal Opportunities”, it calls for undisputed and infinite “Obedience to the Law”, its main fundaments are “Truth” and “Transparency”, and it seeks “Peace” and “Prosperity” to All!
Now do you realise the enormity of a task to be accomplished by a social movement like the “Indignados”? and “Peacefully”?
Even if it is a global movement representing a massive 99% of the world’s “Have-Not” population, it will not be able to effectively claim its rightful share, confiscated by a slim 1% of the ruthless “Have-All”; unless it would resuscitate “Real Human Values” back into life as a “Strong Global Culture” able to throw the merchants out from the temple and capable of liberating “Democracy” jailed by “Economy” in a too long captivity behind the bars of “Profit”.. Not necessarily peacefully.
So shall we, the world’s “Indignados”, unite together in sacred brotherhood as one single tribe and gather all the resources we can obtain to write this new chapter of human history? Or are we to just chat, chant and dance over a beer in a “Peaceful Sit-In” in a main square somewhere that we name “Al Tahrir”?
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