The dawn must come.

The dawn must come.

Thursday, 28 August 2014

Modern Man is So Confused!

By: Ahmed ELNAHAS (From Marco Travaglio’s editorial of August 21st 2014).
In 1979, when the Soviet armed forces invaded Afghanistan (no one really remembers why); the Americans and their western allies rushed to arm and finance the Mujahedin, whom at the time considered the “Partisans for a just cause, the resistance to the Red Army”
After the Soviet army made its exit  out from the country, the Americans and their western allies attacked Afghanistan, having for excuse to “fight Al Qaeda after the fall of the Twin Towers” (which had nothing to do with Taliban or Al Qaeda, the Saudis did it); so the Afghan Mujahedin used the remains of the western funds and arms to defend themselves against another invasion, thus became “Terrorists”.
Result: instead of bringing democracy to Kabul, the western forced have delivered Afghanistan to the Taliban.
A little further, between 1980 and 1988, a fierce war burst in the Gulf area between Iran of the Shia Ayatollah and Iraq of the dictatorship of the laic but pro-Sunni Saddam Hussein. Of course, and once again the Americans and their western allies financed and armed Iraq to the teeth to stand against the “Iranian Terrorists”; closing both eyes when Saddam exterminated Iraqi Kurds in cahoots with Turkey a western ally in NATO (using the supplied western weapons including chemical and biological WMD).
In 1990, after hustling him into Kuwait, the Americans and their western allies decided that Saddam is a “Terrorist”; thus mounted up a coalition including almost all the Arab League members into a “Just War” against Iraq.
Later on in 2003 they re-attacked (invaded) Iraq, this time to: a) eliminate its arsenal of Weapons of Mass Destructions (initially supplied by the Americans and their western allies; and never found any trace of it); b) to cut Saddam’s ties with Bin Laden (never proven existent, eventually both Saddam and Bin Laden were sentenced to death in turn); c) remove Saddam, d) hang Saddam; and e) even bring democracy to Iraq.
The results materialising from of the “Forced Democratisation” of Iraq are well noted: the Shiites raised their heads unleashing the demons of a fierce long civil war against the Sunnites, and, by effect of a contagious infection, Syria exploded in a systematic exterminations ordered by “Assad the Tyrant”.
A multiple collateral effect: the birth of the “Islamic Caliphate” in Syria and Northern Iraq, commonly baptised ‘ISIS’, a ‘Foreign Legion’ of 30 thousand men recruited amongst the most extremist of extremist Sunnites in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Somalia and Europe; ferocious against all other religious confessions: Christians, Jews, Shiites, Kurds and Yasidis. And what to do to defend those? Here came the brilliant idea “The Americans and their western allies must arm them against those whom the Americans and their western allies have previously armed and never cared to disarm”!
Remember Abdullah Öcalan? The Kurdish leader of the “Turkish Kurds Independence Party”, whom in 1998 got extradited from Russia to land in Italy first welcomed by its Socialist Government to which he officially demanded ‘Political Asylum’ , and later on, under American and Turkish pressures, earned the lable ‘Terrorist’ and once more got expedited to Kenya where he was captured by Turkish agents, imprisoned and sentenced to death, later on switched to life sentence.
Then came another counter-order: Kurds are no longer terrorists, but once again “Freedom Fighters” (at least those Iraqis, for the Turkish Kurds no-body knows yet). They must be armed, financed, trained and supported; but in anyway forget about the “Humanitarian Aids” bit.
In the meantime, the Americans and their western allies have converted the status of Iraq to “non-priority to cooperation for development”! No food, or medicines, or funds, or hospitals, or reconstruction projects.. Only arms.
The policies of the Americans and their western allies in the Middle East recall the Italian rhyme of Branduardi “La fiera dell’Est” (literally The Fair of the East); if translated become like this:
“and came the water that extinguished that fire the burnt the stick that hit the dog that bit the cat that ate the mouse that, at the market, my father bought”!!
Pass On The Word.

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