By: Ahmed
ELNAHAS – Montopoli, July 14th 2014.
All along the past 22 months I have been following
closely, and with utmost attention, the Egyptian Legislative and juridical
show-down where everyone defies everybody for duel. The
trials, the debates, the argumentations, the suggestions, and most of all the
Constitutional issues.
I have to admit that the scenery was not pleasant at
all. Apart from being superficial and bluntly driven by political concerns, in
every single aspect of the term; it brought to the light before me the clearest
of all conclusions: the divisions distancing us further away from identifying
our urging common priorities, or agreeing on any decisive solution; are only
the fruit of our ‘THINKING PATTERNS’. Let me try to explain.
The substantial difference between a Lawyer and a
Judge rest in their ‘Thinking Pattern’. While a lawyer
develops a ‘Linear’ thought
following a plan: to display facts and argumentations in function of a precise
pre-established thesis; his thinking pattern is oriented to make that thesis
prevail. By contrast, a judge thinks according to a ‘Spherical’ pattern: he follows the
different directions suggested by facts and presented by argumentations; his
thinking pattern is oriented to make him see where such material would lead.
Both, the linear and spherical thinking patterns, do
not exclusively characterise the Juridical Sector; in
fact, they are the two systems by which all persons face the world. Far from
any ethical, ideological or religious classifications, it remains a fact that
the Linear Pattern incites individuals to favour
their own beliefs, while the Spherical Pattern induce others
towards the doubt.
It is obvious that the linear pattern enjoys an interior
force which the spherical one lacks: it is aggressive, simplifier, and
categorises persons as allies and
adversaries. It needs an enemy. Thus the spherical pattern becomes
ontologically incompatible, because it is not necessary to share in agreement
the ‘Object Thought’ as the linear pattern; it is sufficient to
analyse it without any sort of preventive enthusiast
approval. Today, the Linear Pattern dominates the worlds of Politics and
Ø “It
is imperative to prevent Communists from seizing the country”!
That explains why the votes went back to the Conservative Institution (The Military Institution’s candidate).
Did anyone questioned whether communists do exist for real and – if so – how
much an evil it is their participation in political life could turn into an
evident demonstration of Communism?
Ø “Ezz
and Talaat, have both destroyed the Steel industry and the Construction Sector
by their monopoly games, thus
favouring private interests; their own and those of their companies’
share-holders”! Has anybody debated such an aspect as the primary concern
of any Private business Enterprise, and that the country’s politics and
policies, by guaranteeing similar conditions for its industrial and economic development,
have laid down an evident demonstration of Wild Capitalism?
Both these examples highlight well enough the
dominance of the Linear Pattern of thinking over the Information World, where
no one cares to debate the merit(s) of an issue and instead settles for its presentation.
It is a lot easier justifying, enforcing and cheering; rather than
the exhaustive mental process to analyse,
debate, argue, chose and decide.
Newspapers and TV do not falsify facts (almost never); they
only present them in accordance with their chosen thesis: for political,
economic, even for Ideological reasons. Articles, comments, interviews,
photographs, all become functional to prove the validity of the thesis they
decide to sustain.
No matter right or wrong it might be, the thesis
should never be subject to debate, discussion or doubt. There shouldn’t be
voices of ‘Critic’.. The maximum allowed would be some ‘Contrary’
noises.. Linear Thought vs. Linear Thought. That’s why whomever buys a given
newspaper, would anticipate its contents and share them prioress..
Who watches a televised Talk-Show, can foresee – according to chosen channel or
network – what to expect.
It is called “The
Editorial Line”! The one dictating an audience share or a paper circulation
and a book print run! And I don’t believe that to be a good thing.
Pass On The
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