The dawn must come.

The dawn must come.

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Dependent or Independent, that is the question.

By: Ahmed ELNAHAS – Montopoli, February 10th 2014.
When you give your son/daughter, the daily, weekly or monthly pocket money; you will not be happy to find out that he/she have gambled, bought drugs and needled themselves with it.. In fact it is, and has been, YOUR MONEY in the first place. You will then shout at them the classic line: “you can do whatever you want with your money when you earn it; right now you do as I say”. But you’ll remain in agony tormented and torn between keeping the pay as it is and maintain a closer look on their whereabouts; or cut the pay and risk their procuring it somewhere else.. Out of your CONTROL.
However, and in any case, you will forget looking into yourself to admit and confess your inability, or reluctance if you wish, to teach your son or daughter, from the very early stages, the true value of WORK: Independence and Responsibility.
Depending on “Charity” had never generated the necessary thrust to drive onwards any type of economy; whether it is a family nucleus“Financial Management” or a sovereign state’s “Real Economy Planning”.
Awaiting passively the pseudo-political virtual grants of “Petro-Dollars”; or actively performing frenetic efforts in “Back Doors Diplomacy” trying to soften the American Congress’ firm stand vis-à-vis the annual tip and/or the mild “Military Contribution”; cannot establish the economic stability essential for employment and growth.. Such would produce only a population of ‘dependant beggars’ instead of ‘independent producers’. Short-sighted policies as such, will never incentivise small and micro entrepreneurship’s activities. Those imperatively needed to fortify the Middle Class status; to lay the strong foundation for a promising economy.. A real economy. 
The worst part is that these short-sighted policies are genuinely being falsely dispatched, by the institutions through the media: once as ‘Donations’, sometimes as ‘Aids’ but most of the time as projects of ‘Technical Assistance’ to set up the Structural Adjustments Programmes suggested (dictated) by the donating International Credit Institutions: the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.. (Both US firms by the way)!
That was precisely the fatal mistake committed by our consecutive “Patriot Leaders”.. To subdue and surrender under the arm twisting threats and manipulations that drove us thus far: begging our daily survival.. And today our new found rulers have found the blunt face to tell us that the new debts “…are indispensable to attract foreign investments to generate stability by creating new jobs and to prosper our economy”!!!
Well gentlemen I have news for you.. The right, and only, way to attract foreign investments to generate stability by creating new jobs and to prosper our economy is a nation wide courageous, collective and comprehensive, hard but devoted, work to:
a)      establish practical tax laws and regulations;
b)      demolish the paralysing bureaucratic machinery; and
c)      engage seriously in a constant fight against corruption in every form.
I believe that only then serious investors (not high rollers professional gamblers) will be motivated more than attracted to risk their fortunes into our economy.
Nevertheless, we have to place our own bet.. We must play the odds not the hand.
Pass On The Word. 

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