The dawn must come.

The dawn must come.

Saturday, 28 September 2013

The Veil at sea.

By Ahmed ELNAHAS – Montopoli September 26th 2013.
Many families chose to spend their holidays in the Egyptian Red Sea jewel of Sharm El Sheikh; families from everywhere and every social and cultural category took the opportunity of the favourable offer promoted by the government to overcome the instability resulting from the turbulent political situation, and boost some business in the injured destination.
One can easily distinguish the various origins just listening to their dialects.. These are Saudis, those are from Kuwait and the ones next to my beach umbrella are Egyptians.. But all those who colonise the swimming pool are Egyptians.. However there are few common factors that are characterising them all:
·         Their women ‘were’ veiled while checking in, wearing various types from the Hijab and Burqa’ to the Niqab and Shador.. Nevertheless they all took them off to exhibit the glamour of their crests, their jewels and make up along with their curves, and the foaming smiles of content falling from the drooled lips of their men suggest total approval.
·         Their children were all overweight or even obese, arrogantly misbehaving and very loud in their expressiveness.
·         They were all wearing very strong perfumes at all times, something that did spoil our gastronomic experiences at the restaurants wherever we went.
·         They all had not the slightest idea of the environment surrounding them and how fragile it is.. They were very cruel in their aggressive approach to the beaches, the coral reefs, the sea creatures and vegetation as well as the beautiful gardens of the resort.
·         One more very important factor assembles them in one single cultural basket no matter to which social grade they belong: their uneducated eating habits are at the time unhealthy other than they produce enormous waste that overburdens the house by exaggerated inflation in production and service costs.
Anyhow, I will park at the Veil bit.. Because I believe it is fundamentally important to ponder about.. While observing the veiled young girls and mature ladies rush their way to the rooms just to change into the latest Armani or Gucci glamorous beach wear, to show the latest Dolce & Gabbana bikinis, all covered with the Patek Philippe jewellery, while their men were having hard time stuffing their oversized bellies into the colourful and ridiculous ¾ trousers taken for swimming suits; then I can’t help realising that this is a flagrant demonstration of ‘Ignorance’ and ‘Hypocrisy’!
Obviously they are convinced that the Veil is not a binding religious obligation, and consequently they are simply hypocritically lying to the society and to themselves.. And as such they exhibit an indisputable ignorance of values and denial of traditions.
Another example of cultural hypocrisy.. A long leg swimming suited man accompanied by a young wife moulded inside a so called Islamic Swimming Suit, slowly walk in the shallow waters of the sea until the water reaches little over his waste, at this point he goes down till the water covers his shoulders, then very slowly helps his woman take off the bottom part of her outfit and after placing her arms carefully wrapped around his neck he slowly introduces himself inside her and they both get involved in their hidden public exhibition copulating in a tender sexual intercourse, thinking that the sea water and their calculated slow movements would hide and purify their act from us, poor innocent holiday makers obliged to take the part of the pervert voyeurs in this silly act.. If we were in Ibiza, it would’ve been normal.. But we were in Sharm El Sheikh Egypt.
The paradox here is the male arrogant and shameful consuming character.. Once he finished vibrating, seemingly ejaculating, he retires out from her leaving the poor woman to fight the sea anti-gravitational forces to piece her outfit together back to normal while he washes his tool and heads back to the umbrella and cover himself with the beach towel and collect his breathing back, then he would be rushing his way to the room in order to get ready for the Friday Prayer!
All through our fifteen days holidays, my wife and I were forced to witness that act repeatedly performed by many other couples, all Egyptians.. And since they do have a room at their entire disposal 24 hours a day all through their stay, we couldn’t find an intelligent explanation for such humiliating human behaviour, except that it all goes back to the definition of the Veil and the interpretation of the religious teachings (all of which were interpreted, defined and set only by MEN).
If it’s a symbol of decency and modesty, then such repeated public copulation acts denies it.. If it’s a obliging religious imperative, then they are simply way out from the believers circles.. And if the absolute obedience to the Husband is considered the rule, then these women are willingly agreeing to enslave their entire existence into man’s dominion, while forgetting or denying that you don’t obey the created against the will of the Creator.. If you believe in the Creator in the first place.. And as such She is as much ignorant and guilty as her spoiled possessive ignorant beloved man.
The real problem isn’t their behaviour or their beliefs; the acute hazard lies in the kind of children they will produce and raise.. What would be the values they could pass on to the coming generation.. Other than selfishness, ignorance and hypocrisy!
Think about it, and
Pass On The Word.

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