The dawn must come.

The dawn must come.

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Key-Words for Dictatorship.

By: Ahmed ELNAHAS – Montopoli, June 3rd 2013.
The Supreme Court is pronounced..
The Presidential Palace ignores in despise and thrive ahead doing the exact opposite!!
The President’s interpretation for Powers Separation is once again clearly expressed. By muscling into an ‘Above The Law’ status this presidential cooperative of “Uli’L’Amr” (keepers of the order) is apparently building, one brick at the time, the monument for the modern version of a ‘Divine Monarchy’ untouchable by Human Codes.. Only within the territorial boundaries of course!
Congratulations.. After the gas, fuel and light; now also the Law is OFF.
And now that the building of a ‘Dam’ provided for this cooperative a political ‘Life-line’; it will use, not only to drag itself out from the muddy swamp of the confused helplessness, but as well to hold high an excuse for seizing the ‘Power Sceptre’ to rule forever after happily over the hands and the lands.
Pass On The Word.

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