By: Ahmed ELNAHAS – Firenze, March 26th 2013.
By now it has become almost official.. Jerusalem is the Capital of Israel.. Whether we like that or not.. Even if it’s written nowhere, not pronounced or whispered, no problem.. As a matter of fact Jerusalem has become the recognised capital of a Jewish State implanted at the heart of what once used to be known as the Arab Homeland.
My concern is not Jerusalem in itself.. It is just an old city like many other thousands of similar places, filled with people, houses, narrow streets, shops, places of cult, theaters, and of course monuments which evoke certain spiritual emotions for different cults, who’ve never been in peace with each other.. Now Israel claim that city as the ‘Jewel Of The Crown’ in its private collection of ancient relics to be added among its patrimonial properties, by which it can continue blackmailing the world and teasingly seducing the Arabs.
Personally I’d drop an ‘H’ bomb over it and take it out of the equation forever, so that no one would kill for a stone anymore.. Faith is nothing but one’s conviction stored deep in the heart.. We don’t need stones or walls to remind us of our beliefs.. If so, Jerusalem would become another huge statue adored by pagans dancing around it while offering it blood sacrifices.. Bombing it is simpler and even more human than a systematic ethnic cleansing which caused tens of thousands of deaths and hundreds of thousands of dispersed refugees and keep on claiming more precious human lives every day.
Once Jerusalem would seize to exist, the ‘Raison d’Être’ for radical religious fundamentalist groups, everywhere and from every possible colour, would be completely and neatly eradicated.. Only then all concerned will stop making fortunes speculating over the peace process, the negotiations, the missed occasions, the road maps, the refugees, the olive trees, the tunnels, the humanitarian aids, the arms, the wars, the walls, the killings, the refugees, tent-polis, concentration camps, the borders, the votes, the colonies, the revolutions, the uprisings, the anger, the ignorance, the hate, the human rights, the prisoners exchange…etc. And all conflicting parties may finally start planning serious and applicable measures for a lasting “Peaceful Co-Existence”.
My heartiest congratulations for the whole lot of the few Arab strong mouths falsely called leaders, who spent the past eighty years doing nothing but talking nonsense (and still are, look at all the new faces popping out from nowhere to grasp the Arab Spring by the throat turning it into an Arab Winter); obliging us to fight useless wars (and even kill each other), while they were/are signing humiliating agreements and corrupt contracts, causing too many unnecessary casualties and losses.. All while the other side have kept his project alive and well, through arrogant military build-up, visionary politics, and conspiracies.. All executed by the utmost precision, consistence and persistence.
The absurd paradox is that THEY built their project upon a misinterpreted idea of FAITH, and we founded our failures also upon a misinterpreted idea of faith! Right or wrong it may be, it is making of us that cat who ridiculously keeps on circling around itself in tireless effort to bite its tail.
I have nothing to offer but my most sincere condolences to the families, children, wives, husbands, friends and parents of the killed, the prisoners, the hostages, the tortured, the millions scrambled together without hope or dignity in improvised detainment facilities called refugee camps (now called Reception Centres), and those forced out from their lands and homes.. May serenity fall upon your broken hearts.. May justice one day be served.
Pass On The Word.
Post Scriptum: As I wrote the last words of this article, the muted TV screen before me glittered with the final statement presented at this latest Arab Summit presided by Qatar.. I watched carefully listening to every word, and I found out that the statement have just confirmed my views about our leaders speaking nonsense.. Because that statement was, as usual, entirely drowned deep in an ocean of honey; full of good intentions, nice wishes, positive hopes for the future of an Arab World Union (market wise, economic and maybe even political), generous donations and lots of editorial recommendations!! Nice indeed, but I have my valid reservations which I’ll resume in the following points:
· It did not provide a precise and detailed “Objectives Priority List” with its related “Plan Of Actions” to determine liabilities, responsibilities, target dates and deadlines, funding, and follow-up calendar…etc. Just think about “creating a Middle East free of nuclear weapons”!! Does that include Israel? Or it is just meant for Iran? The ‘How’ the ‘When’ and the ‘Who’ I’ll leave them to your common sense.
· It did not mention one word to oppose the unjustifiable injustice of listing HAMAS among the terrorist organisations.
· It did not even propose a symbolic mobilisation against Israel abusive constructions of settlements over Arab owned properties.
· It left the door wide open for a variety of direct foreign interventions (invasions) into the region under different pretexts (humanitarian aids, inspections, technical assistances, rebuilding and modernising contracts for infra structures along with needed services, credit agreements and so forth up till the military assistance).
· It decreed the subordination of the Arab League to the NATO.
· It reunited all the efforts to save the faces, and thrones, of Arab Kingdoms, Princedoms and Sheikhdoms before the escalated general frustration, poverty, and social injustice would explode and burst into riots, revolts and revolutions sweeping away thrones and crowns..
This summit did that using strong words and kind wishes, nevertheless, and in brief, it did sell out the last hope for a unified Arab stand to meet head-up the incoming new waves of Colonialism.. Sold for a mere Nestlé Chocolate Bar.
You may think I’m too pessimist or even cynical.. Even though, after calm and serious consideration, you may find yourself in agreement.
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