The dawn must come.

The dawn must come.

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Libertà e Giustizia = Liberty and Justice ≠ Al Horreyah wal Adalah??!!

By: Ahmed ELNAHAS – Montopoli, February 13th 2013.
“With lies and absolute denials of the painful reality in which previous governments have reduced the country: the economic recession, the unemployment, the lack of perspective for the younger generations, the de-schooling, the abandonment of the cultural and environmental heritage, the irresponsible revaluation of Fascist Dictatorship, the endemic corruption, the power of the organised crime; once more we find tendencies to deceive, to get round, to buy the voters consent…”
“The contempt and disregard towards the voters cannot be more evident: citizens devoid of memory and by major reason a critics capacity, would have to sell their right to chose a political class who will have to confront the most serious problems of the country in exchange of alms, and as well paid by their money. Because we know by now that to diminish a voice on the state’s balance there is no other than either increase others, or apply more cuts over Social Services”.
“…we feel now the duty to call upon all - in a particular mode the youth who became disappointed  and frustrated by a scenario that offers them very few possibilities for identification; who today have more pressing problems of no work and no money; those skeptics who for many times have exercised the vote never seeing a proper power management materializing worthy of a civilised state; the idealists who cultivate aspirations and objectives much higher than those who are agitating here and there before the elections – to the indispensible and binding necessity to neatly and definitely overcome this humiliating phase of our story… a phase testifying the dominion of ignorance, of corruption, of the private use of public fortunes, of disdaining the magistrature, and of the systematic lying to hide the proper incapacities to perform the role which the Constitution have entrusted to the governments: the role of guiding the national community and upgrade its proper level of civility”.
“….the vote is not a blind delegation in blank! And to exercise a close control over the political power the need is to remain active, informed and critical.. the need is that we citizens must learn to ask, to protest, to create ties, to make the proper voice heard. In the coming years, our country will have to make front to challenging and demanding problems: rebuild its mission in a globalised world, and to repair its social tissue freeing it from criminality and corruption. Such great exploits cannot be delegated, they require the total commitment of ALL first hand”.
The above passages are excerpts from a manifest of an Italian party namely “Libertà e Giustizia” (meaning Liberty and Justice), which by chance coincides with the name of our President’s political formation “Al Horreyah wal Adalah”.. A formation that not only is void of any political agenda, with no history whatsoever in active politics, but was hastily cooked in the kitchen of the Muslim Brotherhood just to meet the presidential elections inscription dead-line, and to surf over the revolution’s wave crest to reach the presidential palace and dominate the Executive and Legislative authorities in order to tame the Juridical one having already censored the ‘Free Press’ as the fourth authority. Meaning: they are not aiming for a “Free Democratic Civil State, cleared from corruption, secured, sovereign, laborious and aspiring for prosperity”.
Nevertheless, names and titles may coincide, but ideas and concepts are a completely different matter. While they are calling for UNITY to address the challenges; ours have already promoted, sponsored and decreed the division of our nation into sectarian and religious fractions thus inviting us (the people, the voters) to participate and witness in a long season of social distress, political turbulences, cultural deterioration, economic instability and financial dependence.
Would you tell which one is interpreting best his political formation’s name?
Pass On The Word.

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