The dawn must come.

The dawn must come.

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Diplomacy is Dead.

By: Ahmed M. ELNAHAS – Montopoli, January 28th 2013.
“Diplomacy require patience, perseverance, empathy, discretion, daring and willingness to dialogue with the enemy”, affirms Mr. Roger Cohen on the ‘International Herald Tribune’.
But we live in times marked by “…impatience, prudent reluctance and unwillingness to dialogue with the bad ones; that’s why diplomacy is dead”.
While searching to comprehend the reasons why ‘Classic Diplomacy’ died, Mr. Cohen brings two examples saying that “Syria is a less constructive example of how a crisis develop and build up in the absence of diplomacy. While the case of Algeria demonstrates that, when negotiations are discarded as a waste of time, death toll rise”.
In his opinion traditional diplomacy may have lost its important role because “the kind of violence that once was remedied by Diplomacy have changed”; as clearly highlights Ambassador William Luers reveling that: “violence comes lesser between States, it has much to do with ‘terrorist’ groups”. As a result, he adds, “armed forces and CIA have taken the initiative of running the relations with governments of the Middle East as well as the state-to-state relations like in the cases of Pakistan , Afghanistan and Iraq”.
Classical Diplomacy, as defined here above in the first paragraph, used to adopt certain measures and rituals that can be characterised as “visionary, futuristic, firm, and pragmatic; but as well gallant and chivalrous” as such it was able to reach feasible targets while mastering the arts of compromise, flexibility, concessions and so on. That was the kind of diplomacy that made great decisions in many occasions throughout recent history, which allow me to bring here some like:
Ø  The mediation of Theodor Roosevelt which brought an end to the Russian – Japanese war in 1905, after a series of negotiations taking place in Portsmouth, USA.
Ø  A classic diplomatic effort can be represented by the 1972 Nixon visit to Pecking to meet and shake hands with Mao, realisable only after the Kissinger back stage diplomacy.
Ø  The secret visit of Henry Kissinger to meet the Soviet leaderships the moment the 1973 Arab/Israeli war burst out; a visit that paved the way to the cease-fire and later on allowed Kissinger to develop his “Shuttle Missions” throughout the region to collect concessions, compromises and flexible stands.
Ø  The Camp David Accords of 1978 mediated by Jimmy Carter and signed between Anwar El Sadat of Egypt and Menachem Begin of Israel.
Ø  The negotiations between the Palestinian Leader Yasser Arafat and the Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin climaxed by their historic Hand Shake in the gardens of the White House under Bill Clinton in 1993, were the fruit of 14 secret sessions managed by the Norwegian Foreign Minister Johan Jorgen at his country residence.
Ø  The last success of international diplomacy goes back to 1995 at Dayton when the peace accords in the ex-Yugoslavia were signed, after being obtained by European Union, USA and Russia.
Today, and as a direct consequence to the shrinking role of America to perform the world’s “Prudent Boss”, negotiation tact as the main tool of Diplomacy also mutated. Today’s negotiations are based on “tough encounters, exhibition of muscles, and not to concede a single millimeter”.. Which may sound good for the hawks of every administration, but this type of ‘Modern Diplomacy’ doesn’t reach any destination or produce tangible results, it just provokes conflicts and often leads to long exhaustive and indigestible wars, implying substantial costs.. Honoured primarily by the common people.
Mr. Stephen Heinz, President of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, wrote: “when internal politics degenerate into polarisations and paralysis, the impact upon finding diplomatic solutions becomes devastating”. He brings in the examples of Cuba and Iran, but Mr. Cohen adds on Israel/Palestine conflict.
He says: “…they are all foreign politics problems of primary importance, that became treated as tools to acquire political capital on the internal front more than being approached as diplomatic challenge”. 
The above thesis confirm that ‘International Diplomatic Culture’, whether applied among states, practiced in the United Nations corridors or simulated between groups; do not follow the traditional heritage of the centuries accumulated set of rules and norms regulating, and teaching, the arts of argumenting between the confronting parts.. It rather have entrusted its achievements to a new type of ‘Non Diplomatic and Offensive Bullying’.
Having said that, let us bring it all to measure the state of our post revolution Egyptian politics:
·         Internally, the confrontation is still based on the “take it all or leave it all”.. No room for negotiations, compromises, flexibility, willingness to reach common grounds  good enough to build up feasible solutions, allowing the move ahead of the system and the wellbeing of the people. Of course that generates a static political life that cannot solve the daily grievances of a crushed majority among the Egyptian population.
·         Externally, the confrontation is founded upon “submitting and reacting”, not using any tool of ‘Creative Diplomacy’ to initiate new ideas and find practical solutions in support of our ‘Strategic National Security’ within the Regional, Arab, African and International spheres.. Not only politically, but as well Economically!!
Real and efficient diplomacy involves accepting the fact that in order to obtain what is wanted or needed, it is necessary to concede something.
So, is it really that big a problem that Egyptians sit with Egyptians and talk with Egyptians to solve the problems of the Egyptians?
Pass On The Word.

The Verdict.

By: Ahmed M. ELNAHAS – Montopoli, January 28th 2013.

Justice is portrayed blind-folded just to convey its guaranteed permanent neutrality, that it doesn’t see WHO you are, that it is impartial and that we are ALL equal before it.

The court expressed itself, in what seem to have become the most delicate Public Opinion case; by distributing 21 capital sentences, subject to the mere formality of being reviewed by Egypt’s ‘Grand Mufti’!
Obviously I cannot discuss the reading of the sentence itself,  as the motivations by which the court has delivered its decision are not yet rendered public; and I even don’t know for certain what were the qualifications of the offenses in the original Public Prosecutor’s Accusation Act: “Premeditated Homicide or Manslaughter”.. However I do have some interrogatives to put here with regard to the merit of the trial itself, inviting you to find their answers:
a)      If the court decided to send 21 files to the Mufti, does that mean liquidating the defendants constitutional rights for the second grade before a Court of Appeal and third grade before the Court Of Assizes?
b)      Can we consider that verdict as a serene sentence, when it have been finalised and motivated in less than a year from the date when the offensive acts leading to the deaths of 72 Ahly fans actually did take place?
c)      Knowing that the Public Prosecutor’s must open the investigations, order the arrests, question witnesses and accused, formalise the Accusations Acts (per each accused).. And only after completing such laborious efforts, his office may forward the entire lot to be tried before a designed board of the referential penal court. Which in its turn would examine with care the case(s), witnesses, study autopsy and forensic reports, review security reports related to the events, examine the photos and films documenting the tragedy, analyse testimonies and weigh their seriousness, validate the arguments of the defense(s) attorneys and those of the accusation.. Can ALL that be done in less than one year? Serenely??!!
I strongly recommend that we should consider carefully the apparent reasons behind such a hasty and disputable verdict, in order to identify the real motivations which procured such a sad aspect of our country’s political decline, and I mean: “how Popular Lobbies can exercise enough pressure upon the Governing Bodies as to invite them to deviate ‘JUSTICE’ from its natural and constitutional course?”. An aspect that is staining our entire Juridical System, being the practical part of our “Legislative Authority”, independence of which should have been guaranteed and protected by the Constitution.
It is clear that the post-revolution governing bodies (Executive Authority: Presidency and Government) have fallen into panic and consequently pushed ahead the procedures to reach such an end, hoping to calm the waters and contain the growing anger of a largely frustrated population. A population that didn’t see a single positive outcome from 3 successive governments (1 military, 1 technique and e 1 semi-civil), a subordinate ‘Shoura Council’ assigned to operate without the effective equilibrium of a not yet elected ‘House of Representatives’ and in the hazy existence of a helpless and unorganised fractal opposition. Where all are roaming aimlessly inside the chaotic vortex made of repeated unconstitutional actions, laws and decisions.. Not realising that as such they are creating a bigger vortex of popular chaos that can easily be converted into an “Anarchic Violent Disorder”* regardless of to which banner it would loyally operate: Right, Center or Left. (Ultras and Black Blocks).
What I mean to say is that such a “Political Verdict” represents the total surrender of the ‘System’ to an orchestrated Demagogic Blackmail.. And the sad part is that such a blunt blackmail doesn’t come straight from the people’s minds, but from “other much more organised forces” manipulating simple individuals just by pushing the knife deeper into the bleeding wound.. And  to do that they use phenomenon like the “Ultras”**, or an exported movement like the “Black Block”.. (Since Camel riders didn’t quite finish the job).
This verdict condemns the system (as unfit to rule and govern) more than the defendants (as guilty).. Nevertheless it shouldn’t distort our vision or distract our concentration away from the initial objectives of an orphan revolution for which people have died, and are still dying.. Not only in that stadium, but back in January 2011 in the streets of Cairo, Alexandria, Suez, Ismailia, Port Said, Minia, Assiut, Qena, Luxor, Aswan, and Sinai.. And even far before that.. For all those tortured, raped, suppressed, falsely accused and imprisoned.. For those who got killed by the forces of an evil tyranny over more than six decades in these parts.
Pass On The Word.
*In that regard I invite you to consult my article “The Objective: A Country Called Anarchy and  a Government named Chaos” posted on February 16th 2012 in my blog:
**To know more, please refer to my article “Ultras” posted on February 14th 2012 in my blog:

The bloody consequences of constantly ‘REMEMBERING’!

By: Ahmed M. ELNAHAS – Montopoli, January 26th 2013.
At least once a month, all year round, every year, since 95 years, and God knows for how long still; the Free World’s average citizen finds himself totally besieged inside the closed circle of a persistent campaign bombarding his brain by cultural events and initiatives, shelling him out from newspapers, TV talk shows or fiction series, movies, radio, museums, schools, universities, songs, theaters, concerts, and even organised tours all aiming to achieve one strategic objective: “To use the horrors of the SHOAH to brand the western collective memory by a profound sense of shame, in order to establish an overall Christian sense of guilt ”.
What they could profit out of that permanently exercised practice?
§  The Jewish communities worldwide can usufruct the benefits of the enormous psychological impact resulting from such constant hammering and maintain at all times a sympathising public opinion thus obtaining its hypnotised support.
§  Once the general Christian public opinion, specially within the western hemisphere, become almost completely fogged by the sense of guilt, the ‘extortion’ starts.. In terms of money, influence, contracts, positions, political favours, military support…etc.. That’s how the Zionist project for a Jewish State in Israel became a reality. 
§  Knowing that whatever information if repeated, without any contradictorily parity, many times becomes an undisputable truthful fact;  so after little less than a century of such systematic collective “Brain Washing”, who can raise an objecting finger or even whisper the slightest critic, or denounce the atrocities committed by the Jewish state in the occupied territories and elsewhere?
We are witnessing a growing power of Zionism over the Free World’s decision making centers in Washington, London, Paris, and Berlin.. However, laterally, and as a result of such unstoppable hammering campaign, we start observing, with much alarmism, the resurrection of ‘Fascism and Nazismthose old terrors that today are growing fast, being reincarnated in the shape of the many ‘Extreme Right’ movements worldwide; where the most dangerously organised, financed, equipped and trained among those are found in the USA, Europe, and Russia.
An average Arab/Muslim individual could say: “So? What all that has to do with us?”.. Well my friend, we should have every reason to worry and I’ll tell you why:
1.      The ‘Holy Book’ by which these movements mold their actions is Hitler’s “Mein Kampf!! Where any RACE other than the ‘White Race’ is considered nothing but “Human Trash”. And that my friend includes us among others.. It includes in the same container Jews, Muslims, Arabs, Africans, Latin Americans, Native Americans, Creoles, Asians, Maoris, Aborigines.
2.      As these groups are using the Lutheran Protestant teachings to valorise and justify their actions, some similar groups are using the deliberately misinterpreted teachings of Islam’s Prophet Mohammad (poh) as a banner under which they can/will commit their violent acts.. We now can find such clans grow strong in Central Asia, in South East Asia, and right in our already restlessly grieving region: in the Middle-East.
3.      Obviously the eventual, and inevitable, clash between the “Free World Extreme Right”, the “Third World Extreme Right” and the “Radical Islamist Extreme Right” will produce a chaotic vortex that will vacuum clean any hope for peace, prosperity and wellbeing to all mankind.. Almost all!
If the above answer to your question my friend is not satisfactory, I have one for you:
“Since we, in the Arab/Muslim worlds, and for almost seven decades, have had not only the culture but as well the financial muscles and the intelligence to engineer a similar worldwide campaign not only to obtain sympathy or recognition to our people’s grievances, but to aim higher up to establish a favourable international public opinion that can shift political and economic decisions his side of the table, why didn’t we?”
So far applying such a scheme, which has not only proven more than feasible, they’ve acquired concrete results.. Why? Because it needed nothing else other than Patience, Persistence and Will.. Obviously such requirements are far beyond our understanding.
Pass On The Word.

Friday, 25 January 2013

The bloody consequences of constantly ‘REMEMBERING’!

By: Ahmed M. ELNAHAS – Montopoli, January 26th 2013.
At least once a month, all year round, every year, since 95 years, and God knows for how long still; the Free World’s average citizen finds himself totally besieged inside the closed circle of a persistent campaign bombarding his brain by cultural events and initiatives, shelling him out from newspapers, TV talk shows or fiction series, movies, radio, museums, schools, universities, songs, theaters, concerts, and even organised tours all aiming to achieve one strategic objective: “To use the horrors of the SHOAH to brand the western collective memory by a profound sense of shame, in order to establish an overall Christian sense of guilt ”.
What they could profit out of that permanently exercised practice?
§  The Jewish communities worldwide can usufruct the benefits of the enormous psychological impact resulting from such constant hammering and maintain at all times a sympathising public opinion thus obtaining its hypnotised support.
§  Once the general Christian public opinion, specially within the western hemisphere, become almost completely fogged by the sense of guilt, the ‘extortion’ starts.. In terms of money, influence, contracts, positions, political favours, military support…etc.. That’s how the Zionist project for a Jewish State in Israel became a reality. 
§  Knowing that whatever information if repeated, without any contradictorily parity, many times becomes an undisputable truthful fact;  so after little less than a century of such systematic collective “Brain Washing”, who can raise an objecting finger or even whisper the slightest critic, or denounce the atrocities committed by the Jewish state in the occupied territories and elsewhere?
We are witnessing a growing power of Zionism over the Free World’s decision making centers in Washington, London, Paris, and Berlin.. However, laterally, and as a result of such unstoppable hammering campaign, we start observing, with much alarmism, the resurrection of ‘Fascism and Nazismthose old terrors that today are growing fast, being reincarnated in the shape of the many ‘Extreme Right’ movements worldwide; where the most dangerously organised, financed, equipped and trained among those are found in the USA, Europe, and Russia.
An average Arab/Muslim individual could say: “So? What all that has to do with us?”.. Well my friend, we should have every reason to worry and I’ll tell you why:
1.      The ‘Holy Book’ by which these movements mold their actions is Hitler’s “Mein Kampf!! Where any RACE other than the ‘White Race’ is considered nothing but “Human Trash”. And that my friend includes us among others.. It includes in the same container Jews, Muslims, Arabs, Africans, Latin Americans, Native Americans, Creoles, Asians, Maoris, Aborigines.
2.      As these groups are using the Lutheran Protestant teachings to valorise and justify their actions, some similar groups are using the deliberately misinterpreted teachings of Islam’s Prophet Mohammad (poh) as a banner under which they can/will commit their violent acts.. We now can find such clans grow strong in Central Asia, in South East Asia, and right in our already restlessly grieving region: in the Middle-East.
3.      Obviously the eventual, and inevitable, clash between the “Free World Extreme Right”, the “Third World Extreme Right” and the “Radical Islamist Extreme Right” will produce a chaotic vortex that will vacuum clean any hope for peace, prosperity and wellbeing to all mankind.. Almost all!
If the above answer to your question my friend is not satisfactory, I have one for you:
“Since we, in the Arab/Muslim worlds, and for almost seven decades, have had not only the culture but as well the financial muscles and the intelligence to engineer a similar worldwide campaign not only to obtain sympathy or recognition to our people’s grievances, but to aim higher up to establish a favourable international public opinion that can shift political and economic decisions his side of the table, why didn’t we?”
So far applying such a scheme, which has not only proven more than feasible, they’ve acquired concrete results.. Why? Because it needed nothing else other than Patience, Persistence and Will.. Obviously such requirements are far beyond our understanding.
Pass On The Word.

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Neo-Colonial Wars.

By: Ahmed ELNAHAS – Montopoli, January 24th 2013.
“Dark Shadows Over The Arab Spring” is the title of an interestingly provocative article written by Mr. Tahar Ben Jelloun*, and published on the Italian daily “La Repubblica”. Reading it in one breath, I couldn’t help agreeing, in part, with the author despite our opposed ideologies.. Yet my personal conclusions in merit of the issue, are somewhat ‘different’!
Ben Jelloun renders the rise of the ‘Salafists’ growing power, as well as their full dominion over large parts of the African Sub-Saharian vast territories carved from Mali, Algeria, Morocco, Mauritania and Libya; to continuous political errors committed over the past twenty years mainly by the Algerian government, and lately as a direct consequence to the Libyan revolution battle of Benghazi followed by the lynching of Gheddafi; altogether have left adrift thousands of Libyan soldiers other than numerous mercenaries and some Touareq roaming about aimlessly.
The author explains that after having secured their refuge at the “Sahel”, and possessing substantial quantities of arms and munitions of every caliber that could be drawn out from every deposit they’d found on their way; these roaming forces aggregated to other adventurous groups like: the Algerian Islamic Armed Group (which took part in the civil war between 1991 and 2001), the Mauritanian and Moroccan militias who already acquired their combat experiences while serving in Afghanistan first with the Mujahedin and later on with the Taliban. They attracted recruits in other  similar factions following no faith or law, mainly originating from the region while some even from Europe. Thus the north of Mali became the meeting point and training grounds for these groups who became united together under the command of hidden men, veiled and mysterious, holders of enormous fortunes, using Islam as an emblem for their actions.
Mr. Ben Jelloun raises a very important aspect of the issue, while the Al Qaeda leaders sympathised the founders of the “Al Qaeda of the Islamic Maghreb” and favoured with utmost consideration the project for a Radical (Salafist) Islamist Governed Maghreb; what really counts here is ‘MONEY’. To procure the large finances needed to satisfy their aims, those groups adopted means of drug trafficking, hostage seizure and human trafficking (clandestine migration to Europe).
The French intervention in Mali, explains Ben Jelloun, having as the primary objective to protect the rich Uranium mining area near the Niger borders, an element vital to European and international interests; have been not only warmly applauded by the international political community, but as well welcomed by the Mali population constantly menaced by the advancement of those groups that in the country’s north have demonstrated what they were/are capable of. But Islam has nothing to do with what those unscrupulous “Jihadists” are committing; cutting hands or stoning women, for these are actions meant to terrorise the population to earn better control. They are not the militant for a noble cause, but most of all they are simply some greedy drug traffickers, using techniques like seizing hostages to extort large sums of money, and promoting clandestine migration (human slavery) as a profitable trade to finance their business. But still one piece of the puzzle is missing.
Mr. Ben Jelloun sustains that the internationally supported French military intervention must find answers to the most important, yet still unanswered, questions:
·         Who finance those groups?
·         Who provides them with arms?
·         Who’s hiding behind such barbarism that is spreading widely?
·         What states sustains them?
If it is true that Mali has every interest in a French military intervention to recuperate part of its sequestered territories; on its part, explains Mr. Ben Jelloun, Algeria was decided not to intervene in that conflict. Having its civil war wounds still bleeding, and having resisted to the Arab Spring winds, did not have any interest whatsoever to get involved in the workings aiming to destabilise part of Africa. But the hostage crisis forced it in and the results were tragic as we have witnessed lately.. Due to the improvised unilateral Algerian security forces (Russian stile) intervention, lots of human lives were sacrificed in vain. Just because the government of Algeria refused to sit at the negotiation table some twenty years ago to find a serious solution to the Sahara problem together with Morocco and Mauritania.
Now, to exploit the Arab Spring and gain out of it to their own aims are mainly the Islamist forces from every kind and ream, explains Mr. Ben Jelloun. They have easily collected like a heavenly offered manna the chaos generated by the revolutionaries in Libya, that land without a state, and in countries like Tunisia and Egypt, where the State exists only in the hands of Islamism.
The author brings all that as the reason why a Dictator like Bashar Al Assad of Syria continues his massacres with the absolute impunity. Just because Russia and China, both outcastes from the Libyan game, refuse to abandon the Syrian dictator, making belief that a bloody régime like that is however more preferable to an Islamic Republic in hands of Salafists, that would jeopardize the region’s stability and of course the industrialized community’s vital interests in the region.
But in reality, things are a lot less simple that what you are selling here Mr. Ben Jelloun.. Other aspects must be considered in that regard, and I will try to synthesise them as briefly as I can.
       I.            The New Cold War / The Neo-Colonial War.. As we may have noticed, ever since the fall of the WALL and consequently the ‘retirement’ of Communism, not as a way of life but as an inadequate economic practice to compete in times of the new doctrine of ‘GLOBALISATION’. Thus it became inevitable that another type of conflict would arise to formulate a new, yet not less fierce, Cold War.. An economic war.. With no rules of engagement.. A new cold war having opposed the western alliance on one hand, and the Russian/Chinese axis on the other.. A cold war where its battle grounds are the financial markets and the economic control of the world’s natural resources. After almost 25 years this New Cold War mutated into a flagrant and blunt traditional belligerent war.. Where people die, not only of hunger and poverty, but from bullets, land mines and dirty intelligent bombs.. It is no longer just a conflict over a contract or an oil field, but rather a war over territories and lands with what’s above it but mostly for what’s beneath it.. A Neo-Colonial Wars.     
    II.            The Israeli elections and the Palestinian State Dream.. Israel’s elections outcome uncovered the awesome full charge ahead of the Right and Extreme Right parties towards the full control of the Knesset, thus of the Israeli main decision making center, which by the way is the only venue where laws are cooked, packed and delivered.. Laws for new colonies.. Laws for land confiscating.. Laws allowing Israel the seizure of the Palestinian accounts and their interests deposited, by law, in Israeli banks.. Laws for citizenship depriving an Israeli Arab wife originating from Gaza or the West Bank to enjoy the same rights as her Arab husband originating from Tel Aviv or West Jerusalem.. And so forth as we’ve seen over 20 similar discriminating laws, in support of a state of Apartheid, being passed smoothly and almost without any valid opposition through the latest mandate of Netanyahu’s government. Logically, in view of the coming right wing coalition (for Netanyahu have no alternative with his 31 seats but to seek alliance with the rest of the Far Right and Orthodox parties to be able to form a government and rule), Palestinians will suffer more.. and the anger will rise demagogically among all the Arab and Muslim world provoking more conflicts, thus dragging the region into more tensions all the more the Palestinian State becomes simply a pure Charade. 
 III.            The French administration’s inner frustrations.. François Hollande is losing popularity because he taxed the rich by 75% for the income over 1 million/year thus using the return to create jobs and assist middle and small enterprises to survive, he diminished his salary and that of his cabinet by 30%.. He had no choice, facing a growing inner angry opposition, but to seek refuge in the old as history lie by creating a fearful enemy to fight in order to calm the spirits and regain consensus.. Not revealing the real reasons, Uranium rich deposit in Malì, and without any kind of pre-coordination with the European partners (as per the Union’s Lisbon Treaty art. 32, 347) Hollande launched his troops selling it to his citizens as a necessary limited and short time intervention with the sole objective of “..defending France’s historical ‘Ally’ Algeria menaced by Radical Islamic Terror that is gaining control over large parts of Africa, risking to destabilise important parts of Africa”!! Important to whom Monsieur Le President? Knowing that English, French, Portuguese, and German troops have never left their previous areas of influence in Africa, ever since the Great Empires Colonial times from the 16th till the 20th centuries, using different excuses every now and then; even creating and engineering tribal conflicts here and there just to maintain control over an oil field or a diamond deposit.. So Colonial dominion is still on, and consequently popular anger will continue to boil and steam.
 IV.            The Prelude to the War on Iran.. Israeli government, throughout the past four years, succeeded to convince the ‘Free World’ (and the ‘Moderates’ in the Arab World) that Iran is a serious threat to the peace in the Middle East, aside of being a “clear and eminent danger to the Israeli national security”.. The plans to attack Iran are already finalised and ready to go at a moment’s notice.. But the Arab Spring and the Syrian dilemma delayed the combined Israel/American/Nato plans to destroy Iran Nuclear capabilities.. What escapes to the average Arab citizen’s understanding is that Israel is still performing its role of being the Spear Head of any Western attack.. Remember Sèvres agreements back in 1956 with Britain and France to attack Egypt? Same same again my friends, only this time the plan is to “Redesign the Middle East” and redefine the borders of the entire region from Morocco till Pakistan.. That entire region must be ‘Balcanised’!! And once this reality will become a common knowledge for every Arab and Muslim world wide, the anger will provoke a sudden uncontrollable explosion.
    V.            The Obama second mandate and the USA withdrawal from Afghanistan.. Barak H. Obama won his second mandate, and knows that he must face his country’s inner ‘grievances’ rather than get involved, first hand, in fruitless conflicts abroad.. Let his allies do the job instead, so that his administration can do some good inside.. Bill Clinton did the same, and as such have strengthened the American economy and sustained the American way of life.. Obama knows quit well that the full withdrawal of his troops from Afghanistan is only temporary, since the region is vital to American interests (being the south western borders of the ex USSR).. Now Taliban’s power is growing throughout the area, and the US has delegated Pakistan to negotiate terms of truce with the ‘terrorist’ group, so that when the time comes and the Taliban would regain their grasp over a feeble Karzay capital, a renewed intervention can be justified.. Only it will be a permanent presence this time.
 VI.            The Humanitarian Aid Intervention is just a Western Neo-Colonial War Tactic.. Most of the stuff we read about wars are deliberately misleading: similar to war bulletins, indisputable in their peremptory fragmentariness, that do not stimulate deep meditation over the event but encourage the receiver just to notice it while lying down comfortably zipping whatever he’s drinking, thus considering single interventions as singular with no close connection between them. A wider and longer look should help realising a more accurate balance, after all, of conflicts with no clear objectives, without any limitation to space or time; which have dilated ‘Armed Islam’ instead of containing it, that from Afghanistan has now extended till the Sahara-Sahel.. So that nothing could be deducted out from the past errors.. Where any debate about such errors is systematically silenced.. Noble adjectives with which we make-up the tree of wars, like ‘Humanitarian’ or ‘Democratic’, aren’t good enough to conceal their disastrous outcome: those interventions create “Chaos” rather than “Order”.. They create more “Feeble and Vulnerable” states rather than “Strong” ones.. Once “Mission Is Accomplished” countries are abandoned to themselves, not without provoking a profound sense of disillusion, that can be easily converted into hatred and violent anger, among the “Aided” populations.
I believe that the time is due to reexamine what is being called “Humanitarian, Democratic, Anti-Terrorist Intervention”. Available data confirm that only throughout the past seven years, the number of “Electoral Democracies” in Africa shrunk from 24 to 19!! A good 21% loss of democracies, and instead a substantial increase of meaningless bloody tribal wars absorbing resources, damaging economies, aggravating refugees problems, multiplying hunger and other social/health related problems, dividing populations, fragmenting states, and exporting violence.. But most of all, it generates a significant growth of the fortunes of “Aiding Countries” through arms sales, special security training programmes and technical assistance contracts!!
So Mr. Ben Jelloun, please don’t forget to mention to your loyal readers, in France and in the Arab/Muslim world, that the Cold War Era has ended and we are definitely in the Neo-Colonial Era.
After all, could this be what several thousand years ago, the MAYA astrologists predicted in their famous prophecy about the end of an era due on December 21st 2012, as the “Sun will enter the Aquarius zodiac marking the start of a New Earth Life Cycle”???!!! 
Pass On The Word.
*Tahar Ben Jelloun: is a Moroccan philosopher. As he wasn’t fit to teach in Arabic language, he left for Paris where he made a Doctorate in Social Psychiatry. He collaborates with the daily French newspaper “Le Monde”.