The dawn must come.

The dawn must come.

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Chose What You Eat.

By: Ahmed M. EL NAHAS – Castelfiorentino, April 15th 2012.
Anna Villarini: biologa e specialista in scienza di alimentazione, ricercatrice presso l’IRCCS (istituto nazionale dei tumori). Biologist specialised in Nutrition Science. Researcher for the National Institute of Tumors (IRCCS).
Francesca Di Gangi: sociologa. Sociologist.
In their book published earlier this 2012 by Sperling & Kupfer entitled: “Chose What You Eat”, literally “Scegli ciò che mangi”; the authors detailed their precious findings fluidly in a simple account of valuable advises to everyone and supported by documented research statistics. To sum up their message it’s quite enough translating the following lines by which they ended their book.
At the end of this long course, it seems useful to resume certain concepts; those you can bring home. You may also, should you find it fit, cut these pages to consult in times of need.
For Shopping.
1. Eat True Food:
a)      Don’t eat what your grand-mother wouldn’t recognize as food.
b)      Eat food that can rot.
c)      Eat integral food or items as they grow in nature.
d)      Eat what stands on one foot (mushrooms and vegetables) who are better than those standing on two feet (poultry and volatile) who in their turn are better that those standing on four feet (swine, cattle…ecc).
e)      Eat lot of vegetables.
f)       Eat at colours.
g)      Eat only what grew on good terrains.
h)      Eat animals that were well fed.
i)        Eat as an Omnivorous.
j)        Eat natural savage food whenever possible.
k)      Eat small wild fish not breed(small in size not new hatchings).
l)        Eat sweet food as you find in nature (pure honey and fruits).
2. Avoid:
a)      Food products containing ingredients that no human being would keep in the pantry.
b)      Food stuff with ingredients that a 3rd grade child can’t pronounce.
c)      Food products where it’s written on their label “Good For Health”.
d)      Food Products bearing expressions like: “Light”, “Low Fat” or “No Fat” and “No Sugar”.
e)      Food products publicized on TV.
f)       Food products with high values of fructose, corn syrup or sugar.
g)      Any food where whatever type of sugar or sweetener is found listed within the first 3 ingredients.
h)      Food products containing many ingredients.
3. Otherwise:
a)      Pay more and eat less.
b)      Chose fresh products of the season.
c)      Reuse the vegetables cooking water.
d)      Dose yourself sugar and salt in your food.
e)      Prefer certified local seasonal food.
f)       Always read first the specifications detailed on the label.
g)      Make Biological Food your preference.
h)      Reach for the hidden items on the shelves not only the one in sight.
i)        Don’t buy impulsively.
j)        Make your shopping list.
k)      Eat at table, calmly, not on the street, before the TV or the PC, or among the supermarket stands.
l)        Enter the supermarket with full stomach and get out when you can.
Preventing Pathologies
The WCRF 10 golden recommendations for Tumors Prevention. Also useful to prevent more other pathologies.
The World Cancer Research Foundation, which mission is to promote primary prevention from tumors through scientific research and through spreading the knowledge of their causes; have concluded its surveying all the scientific studies of the relation between Nutrition and Tumors.
The volume containing the outcome of that work is available at and is very prudent in its conclusions that are synthesized here below:
1.      Maintain a slim figure all your life.
2.      Be physically active every day.
3.      Limit your consumption of high caloric density and avoid drinks containing sugar.
4.      Structure your nutritive system mainly upon food deriving from vegetables, with cereals not refined industrially along with legume in every meal and non-starched greengrocers with lots of seasonal fruits.
5.      Limit the use of red meat, and avoid eating conserved or caned meat products.
6.      Limit the use of alcoholic drinks.
7.      Limit your salt consumption to not more than 5gm/day, or food products conserved under salt. Avoid food contaminated by mould.
8.      Ensure a sufficient contribution of all essential nutrients through food alone, hence the importance of the variety; and avoid the assumption of pharmaceutical food supplements (vitamins or minerals).
9.      Breast-feed the children always whenever possible at least for the first six months. This doesn’t only prevent breast cancer but also ensure optimal nutrition for the child enforcing his immunity.
10.  The WCRF recommendations are also valid not only to prevent tumors but as well to those already manifesting the symptoms.
And it goes without saying: DON’T SMOKE!
Pass On The Word.

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