By: Ahmed M. EL NAHAS – Montopoli, March 24th 2012.
Little over a year ago, when the winds of change twisted over Egypt in what seemed to be an overpowering “Tornado” coming to sweep clean to the ground everything it faces; what really materialised was nothing more than a mild “Tropical Storm” which quickly passed on leaving behind almost everything completely intact.
Today it seems that the storm has even galvanised some old structures rendering them smoother, brighter, shiner and more solid than before; but mostly it made them more attractive than ever!?!
Over a year ago we thought that finally a radical change has come to last producing a new Republic founded upon a solid constitution guaranteeing and protecting the fundamental values of Freedom, Democracy, Labour, Transparency and Welfare.
We, naïve as we were, thought that the Military Institution came forward to embrace and protect the change. To allow a “Coalition Transitional Cabinet” the necessary autonomy to accomplish a precise assignment made of several urgent tasks:
1. Total cleaning and clearing from the pre-revolution “Old Order” icons and traces, by all necessary means and on all levels of the public services, administrative functions and executive authority’s hierarchies; preferably under the terms of the long adored “Emergency Code” and to be celebrated before the “Revolutionary Martial Courts”.
2. Assign a “Constituent Commission” the priority task of writing a new constitution for public debate to be subject to the people’s referendum for approval in order to come into force.
3. Start and accelerate the process to hunt down, and get hold of, the smuggled treasures that were systematically stolen from the people over decades, and confiscate all local and foreign bank accounts related to the ex administrations figures along with the profiteers and parasites hatched and educated inside the National Democratic Party nurseries.
4. Establish new “Election Laws” and elaborate their executive regulations to guarantee the rightful proceedings for every vote to obtain the actual interpretation of the voters choices in the Legislative, Administrative and Presidential Elections.
5. Create a special “Wise Men Committee” that will immediately engage in proposing a sever “Anti Corruption” laws and the necessary investigative measures to firmly uphold these laws and effectively confront the phenomena.
Only then matters would return to the electorate to select and chose freely its governing bodies and its representatives, to start the new era.. The long dreamed era of social justice, free expression and human rights.
Nevertheless things turned out completely different. For what really happened is that old faces changed their wardrobes and cosmetics, coming forward in brand new glowing disguises, gloving their “Iron Fist” in velvet and redecorating the torture rooms with slogans already voided of their contents before being nailed to the walls.
The Military Institution along with its puppet cabinet and the unleashed Police Forces joined efforts to squeeze the revolution out of its last bit of thrusting energy, and to press down the rising political forms of opposition into a mild image same as “Before”. And those who respectfully stood tall by their principles, having understood clearly what’s lying in between the lines of that script, were forced somehow to quit the scene.. El Baradei is a flagrant example in this case.
At first we were continuously faced by the respectable and humble figures of many exponents from the “Muslim Brotherhood” and the “Salafist” movements, all swearing to God that they have no intention, wish or ambition in politics and that they want to remain among the ranks of the people to serve and observe! In fact, due to free undemocratic elections following the old tailored laws, they became the crushing majority in Parliament and many of them changed views after several closed meetings with the “Field-Marshal”! Remember “Dr. El AWWA”?
Actually the agenda that we dreamed of, and the ‘Priority Tasks’ that we hoped to see accomplished were all just smoke on the water and ash in the eyes.. The “Order” is still alive and well.. And the recapitulation after fourteen months results in hundreds dead civilians, other thousands tortured behind bars, arbitrary arrests, corruption, agonising economy, a helpless nominated cabinet and a crippled parliament!!
I’m afraid that we will remain wandering for a long time searching for the plug that we missed and wondering what is it that we didn’t know?
Pass On The Word.
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