By: Ahmed M. EL NAHAS – Castelfiorentino, March 27th 2012.
The Military Institution: has mutated over the years into a gigantic business enterprise owning a domineering private industrial complex. An institution that holds on tight to its ‘Political Powers’ with all its might, as if they were the indisputable or incontestable “Divine Rights” that the ‘commons’ do not dare to oppose or even debate the nature or the origin. A military that openly has abdicated its main constitutional tasks to be “..strong arm and protective shield always ready to defend the nation against all enemies”.. Israel on top I should say!!
The Executive Authority: over long years of complete submission to an asphyxiating “Dictatorship Rule”, have been tamed, trained and educated to obey and never take autonomous initiatives or decisions; just wait for instructions, directives or suggestions; all of which are simply “Obliging Orders” as per the “Universal Dictator’s Manual Lexicon”.
The Legislative Authority: also known as the “Parliament”.. Being only an image designed to galvanise the international presidential public relations campaigns through well choreographed theatrical media coverage. And as it has always been partly nominated and partly elected through fake and fixed elections, where even the dead is compelled to vote; under the supervision of a helpless juridical cast totally deprived from any true controlling liability since hundreds of tailor-made laws have even vacuum cleaned the “Constitution” out of its role through a haze of 250 vague articles.. A Parliament as such will never stand to draw a bill of law, or vote for anything, against the will of its “Employer”.. Who is definitely not the people.
The Press: supposedly being the fourth authority, has never did what it should have done: to inform truthfully and educate impartially.. Over the years we witnessed hundreds of mercenaries, dispatched for journalists, poets, analysts and trusted consultants; echoing the whims of the Master as the only way or the absolute cure for any grievance; making their mission to educate the people for obedience and submission. Instead of spreading true information and projecting transparency, that ill press preached lies and empowered corruption.. All at a price!
The Religious Institution: as always, throughout our history, remained standing aside cheering for the strongest, converting the illegal into a doctrinal necessity and conspiring with the various ‘Palaces’ of power to convert “Ignorance” into a banner under which the people would move and a doctrine by which they live.
The Social Parts: Political Parties, Labour Unions, Syndicates, Artisans, Farmers, Students Movements, NGOs, Bloggers and Human Rights Activists; have long subdued to oppression and torture; and were always subject to the lowest levels of manipulation that made them helpless and void of the needed pressing edge over the decision making circles.. Unless they unite together to form an invincible lobby that can mobilise the ‘Mass’ and guide the “Collective Opinion” wherever it wishes, change will not be foreseeable.
All those have been cultivated and educated by the Tyrannical Iron Fist of a Dictatorial Presidential Institution born out from the womb of the Military Institution; which trimmed and abbreviated the infinity of ideas that can form a healthy “Collective Conscience” into just one, its own; and that is “Obedience, Loyalty, Stability and Order”. Making sure that all the above mentioned institutions and authorities would constantly adhere and repeat the daily preaching of the clamorous falsity that “Stability, not change, is the only way to ensure security and growth”.
Of course the security of an Élite cast, loyal daughter of that “System”, and the growth of its private wealth and fortunes. And since the system normally engages in its services the loyal parasites and profiteers; who in their turn will do the same in order to secure their future and that of their families; hence “Corruption” becomes the main pillar around which revolves the entire economic and social mechanisms.. Corruption becomes the “System” itself.. And say goodbye to welfare and progress right after the fleeing of transparency, solidarity and freedom.
All the way through the Egyptian Republic’s history, from day one since the ‘first’ military coup of 1952; we saw that pattern repeating itself as if to refine and sharpen its edges: from the shy and carefully disguised side business in arms dealing of the late ‘Son In Law of Nasser’, to the murmured drug trade monopoly of the ‘Brother of Sadat’, and until the blunt and open-faced overpowering economic, industrial and financial control of the ‘Sons of Mubarak’.
A pattern which have produced entire armies of ministers, consultants, lawyers, business advisers, followers, supporters, servile courtesans, lobbyers, buffoons, business meddlers and hired pens; all tuned together in cheering the unrivaled “Wisdom of the Father of the nation”, to veil their true nature of coward hypocrite parasites selling the blood of their own people for the misery of “30 pieces of silver”. Thus allowing that “Father” to grow into a divinity, having taken all the necessary precautionary measures to keep things as they are for their own “Security and Growth”, and those of their families, courtesans and servants.
Such process eventually creates a giant mountain of “Immorality” and “Indifference”, leading to an inevitable overflow of “Individualism”; and the civil sense of responsible and active participation fades away till its complete disappearance, especially that the Religious Institution kept educating for long time the mass on the ‘benefits’ of obedience, acceptance, satisfaction, modesty and submission; and by constantly dispensing such teachings, all the time and everywhere, it has systematically killed the spark of the individual ambition and crushed his hunger for knowledge and evolution. Then once the society become convinced that “Enough is as good as a feast”; everything turns out the way the ruling Élite desires and no one would dare question their ill governance or the suspicious origins of their wealth and fortunes.
That is in brief the absurd dark scenery that is somehow still imprisoning inside its dense obscurity the vast majority of our society. A scenery that has regressed our culture back into a much more darker age than the first “Jaheleyah” of more than fourteen centuries ago, despite the improvised blows of a controversial new Spring Storm called “Revolution”. A revolution that, I dare say, have been cunningly used to camouflage our history’s Second Military Coup!!
Now, putting together the current “Global Economic Crisis” to what I’ve just highlighted, we will remain with the inevitable result of ‘3’!?! Meaning not one crisis, but a perfect bouquet of 3: Economic, Social and Political. As if it was a marketing promotion of “Buy 1 and get 3”, that who knows what could be the true identity of its sponsors.
The outcome of such complex crisis will not only be recession and more debts with more interests, but it would also be something like the equation in the title of this article: “Pure Undefined Nonsense”.
However the light at the end of the tunnel can be seen through the demolition of the very foundations of that system, by always remembering and acting according to the fact that it took a “Hijrah” to overtake and defeat a “Jaheleyah”.
Pass On The Word.